Chapter 6-Evaluating 3 S Education James and Kelly McVey
Assessment versus Evaluation “Assessing is gathering evidence of content knowledge skills” (Henderson & Gornik, 2007, p. 149) “Evaluating is the case-by-case value judgment of the quality of the teachers’ and students’ 3S journey of understanding” (p. 149)
Curriculum Wisdom Paradigm and assessments Focuses of formative evaluations- using formal and informal assessments throughout the learning process Focuses on using Real World Application Focuses on Connoisseurship and Critical Capacities “Connoisseurship, generally defined, is the art of perception. It is essential to criticism because without the ability to perceive what is subtle and important, criticism will be superficial and even empty” (as cited in Henderson & Gornik, 2007, p. 215)
Examples “Describe advances and issues in Earth and space science that have important long-lasting effects on science and society” (Ohio Department of Education, 2002) “Describe an experience in which you were personally affected by advances and issues in Earth and space science and prepare a position paper for publication, which argues for sustaining the planet and its occupants”
Our Examples Evaluate the origins, life experiences, and contributions of immigrants, and the ways in which they responded to assimilation. (902.12) HCPSS Interview a recent immigrant about their immigrant experience and process of becoming assimilated into American society and compare their experience to the immigrants of the late 1800s/early 1900s.
Your Turn Geometry- Define and apply the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse. 7 th Grade English- Analyze characterization 7 th Grade Social Studies- Identify the causes and effects of one or more of the various independence movements in Latin America Earth and Space Science- The student will demonstrate the ability to analyze how the transfer of energy through the hydrosphere and atmosphere influences Earth’s climate and weather.
What is curriculum program evaluation? “The process of systematically determining the quality of a school program and how the program can be improved” (Sanders, 2000) Who decides what will be assessed and evaluated? What questions are to be answered? How might data be gathered and analyzed? What criteria will be used to interpret and judge data? Who analyzes data, makes judgments, and uses judgments?
Evaluating two fundamental challenges for 3S Education -Teachers, Administrators, and students determine what should be assessed and how it will be assessed -Questions that are inclusive of all perspectives, use reflective inquiry and problem solving -Classroom observations, students’ performances, portfolios, quizzes and tests -3S balance (self and social understanding) -All stakeholders (including parents)
Evaluating Platform Designing and Planning for 3S Education -Teachers, Parents, Students, Administrators, Board Members, Community Members, University Professors -Questions should be inclusive of all students, provide alternate views, and be personally Meaningful to Students. Questions are asked to ensure students receive a wide spectrum of understanding. -Raw data will be obtained to “identify whether or not the design group’s aims, assumptions, beliefs, and values were upheld in the translations to the classroom” -Observations, Rubrics to evaluate problem based activities and individualized judgment on students performance -Analysis is done by those who worked on the course
Evaluating Teaching for 3S Understanding -Teachers, Students, Parents, Community Members, Board of Education members, University Professors and Administrators Is it promoting student inquiry? Does it “touch the core of what it means to be human, to live in community with others, to find meaning and purpose, and to create a more just and peaceful world” Observations, dialogue, quizzes, performance tasks, students’ self-assessments, and lesson plans Standardized tests and rubrics All groups above, but its important for students to be engaged in analyzing and judging their own learning