(How to Summarize and Write an Argumentation) Task-writing.


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Presentation transcript:

(How to Summarize and Write an Argumentation) Task-writing

一 议论文的概括。 Sample 0ne The article gives the view that teachers should stop correcting students’ mistakes because teachers’ frequent correction will make children unable to judge their own work. Sample two Various dialects make it necessary to popular- ize Mandarin Chinese( 推广普通话 ). It helps to develop economy, speed up information exchange, and keep China as a more unified country. We should realize its importance and make it a compulsory course at school.

1 议论文概括的形式: (1)__________________+__________________ (2)__________________+__________________ +____________________ 文章观点 (opinion) 文章论据 (argument) 文章观点 (opinion) 文章论据 (argument) 文章结论 (conclusion) 2 议论文概括应注意事项 (1) 概括谁的观点 ? (2) 应用什么时态 ? (3) 应用什么人称 ? (4) 应用多少个单词 ? 应概括文章作者的观点, 不能发 表自己个人的观点。 应用一般现在时 应用第三人称 约 30 个单词,不能太多也 不要过少。

3 阅读下面的短文,用大约 30 个单词来概括短文 的内容要点。 First find out the topic sentence of each para- graph and change it using your own words. Then find out the opinion of the writer accord- ing to the topic sentences. After that, please try to write down the summary of this passage based on the writer’s view and the topic sentences. Requirements:

As anxiety-makers, examinations are second to none. That is because so much depends on them. They are the mark of success or failure in our society. It doesn’t matter that you weren’t feeling very well, or that your mother died. The moment a child begins school, he enters a world of terrible competition where success and failure are clearly cut and measured.

A good education should train you to think for yourself. The examination system does anything but that. What has to be learnt is encouraged to be memorized. Examinations do not motivate a student to read widely, but to restrict (限制) his reading. They lower the standards of teaching, for they give the teachers no freedom. Teachers themselves are reduced to training their students in exam techniques. The most successful students are not always the best educated but the best trained in the technique of exams.

There must surely be many simpler and more effective ways of assessing a person’s true ability. However, we might be surprised at the progress made in every field of study, but the methods of testing a person’s knowledge and ability remain as primitive( 原始的 ) as they ever were. They may be a good means of testing memory, but they can tell you nothing about a person’s true ability. The exams are often nothing more than a subjective assessment ( 主观评价 ) by some examiners. Examiners are only human; they also make mistakes. However, if there are no exams, few students or even no one will do any revision or study!

Task1 找出每段的主题句并用自己的话转述 para 1 As anxiety-makers, examinations are second to none. = Examinations always make students anxious/worried/nervous. para 2 A good education should train you to think for yourself. The examination system does anything but that. = The examination system can’t train students to think for themselves so it isn’t a good education.

para 3 There must surely be many simpler and more effective ways of assessing a person’s true ability.(…) They may be a good means of testing memory, but they can tell you nothing about a person’s true ability. =Examinations can’t be a good/useful/fair/ meaningful way to test students’ true ability. =Without examinations, students won’t study hard. para 4

Task2 通过每段的主题句找出作者的观点 The writer’s opinion is that examinations do more harm than good. 从而可发现文章的论据就是 __________________ 每段的主题句 Task3 用大约 30 个单词来概括短文的内容要点 The article tries to tell us that exams do more harm than good to students. By making stu- dents nervous, they can neither help students think for themselves nor serve as a fair way to test students’ ability.

二 议论文的写作 议论文的写作一般包括哪三部分? __________+____________+______________ 论点 (opinion) 论据 (argument) 结论 (conclusion) 1 请阅读下面的范文,找出文章的论点、论据及结 论 ( 用句子前的数字表示 ) 。并思考以下问题 : 文章一共有多少个句子 ? 论点及结论分别在什么位 置 ? 论据有多少种 ? 分别是什么 ? 哪一种论据较多哪 一种较少 ? 为什么 ?

(1) I know both of you want me to study in Hong Kong, but I prefer to enter a university in the mainland. (2) I have my own reasons. (3) The question is how to learn more with less cost. (4) Certainly, we have to pay more to study in Hong Kong than in the mainland. (5) Next is the decision of where we can learn better. (6) Peking University is famous for her international famous professors on many special fields, which will definitely offer me the target education I am pursuing.(7) It can provide as rich resources as those in Hong Kong.(8) The third is the learning environment. (9) I will surely benefit from the academic atmosphere and the rich Chinese culture in a top university in the mainland.

(10) However, I find it difficult to understand the courses taught in English in Hong Kong, not even for a full scholarship. (11) What ’ s worse, it is hard for me to adapt to its daily life and its daily habits. (12) Dear Mum and Dad, after balancing the good and bad, can you accept my own choice? (13) I need your support. 论点 : 论据 : 1 支持在国内读大学的证据 ( 立 ): 2 反对在香港读大学的证据 ( 破 ): 结论 : (1) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) 过渡句 (2)(2)

文章一共有多少个句子 ? 论点及结论分别在什么 位置 ? 论据有多少种 ? 分别是什么 ? 哪一种论据较多 哪一种较少 ? 为什么 ?

2 请就 “ 考试是利大于弊还是弊大于利 ” 这个主题发 表你的看法,至少包括以下的内容要点: ( 1 )你认为考试的目的是什么?考试能够实现这 个目的吗? ( 2 )你学习的目的是什么?你认为考试能够实现 你的人生目标吗? ( 3 )你同意考试是利大于弊还是弊大于利? 为什么? Please discuss these questions with your partners and then write down the results of your discussion. Task1

Opinion one Step 1 : Give your opinion: Step 2 : List your arguments : 1 The advantages of examinations (at least three) : ( 1) ( 2 )( 3 )、、、 2 The disadvantages of no exams ( at least two ): ( 1 )( 2 )、、、 Step 3 : Your conclusion: Opinion two Step 1 : Give your opinion Step 2 : List your arguments 1 The disadvantages of exams (at least three) : (1) (2) (3)…. 2 The advantages of no exams (at least two) : (1) (2) … Step 3: Your conclusion

Opinion 1 Examinations do more good than harm. The advantages of examinations 1 Examinations can help to select qualified students and judge how well they study. 2 My dream is to enter a good university and examinations can give me a chance to realize my ambition. 3 Examinations can push students to study hard and master what they have learned. 4 Exams can make parents know how well their children study and make preparations for their future earlier. ……

The disadvantages of no examinations 1 Students will become lazy and spend more time doing some useless things, such as reading novels, playing computer games, chatting on-lion etc. 2 Teachers can’t know whether students have mastered the knowledge and society can’t select the needed excellent students. …… The conclusion Examinations is necessary but they should be improved to work better for students.

Opinion 2 Examinations do more harm than good. The disadvantages of examinations 1 Exams can just tell a person’s memory but can’t assess his true ability, which is not enough for its aim of selecting the excellent students. 2 I want to be a worker who has a special skill that can help me find a good job in the future, but exams can’t make my dream come true. 3 The endless exams make student feel tired, stressed and unhappy, which is very harmful to their health and development. 4 Exams make parents have to force their children to study, as a result, it will damage the good relationship between them. ……

1 Students can choose what really interest them to study so they will be willing to learn and get good results. 2 Teachers can train students many other skills but the exam techniques. 3 Both teachers and students will feel more relaxed and this will help to create a good and pleasant learning environment. The advantages of no examinations The conclusion Examinations are not beneficial to students’ future and development and we should find a more effective way to serve for education.

Finish the argumentation according to the results of your discussion within 120 words. Task 2

one possible version Improve exams to serve us better I think exams aim at selecting qualified students and judging how well they study. In my opinion, generally exams can realize this purpose because students have to work hard before they pass the exams. Lazy students will fail and good students are selected, which proves the positive effect of exam. Now I am studying hard in order to enter a good univer- sity in the future. Exam can give me a relative- ly fair chance to enter a good university, which means they can realize my ambition.

Therefore, I believe exams do more good than harm. Exams can push students to study and select suitable students for a higher level of education. The problem is not that exams are bad but that they should be improved to work better for students.