1 Model Oral Health and Wellness Program (OHWP) Pamela Alston, DDS, MPP Principal Dental Consultant US DOL Job Corps Program
2 Goal of Model OHWP To contribute to the Job Corps mission “to ensure that Job Corps students achieve the skills needed for long-term success in the labor market”
3 Career Development Services System (CDSS) A system-wide approach and methodology Equipping students with knowledge, skills, abilities and support needed for long-term workplace success A continuum of experiences and services Infused throughout all phases of training Personalized to each student’s needs
4 Model OHWP A center-wide approach Equipping students with knowledge, skills, abilities and support needed for long-term workplace success A continuum of experiences and services Infused throughout all phases of training Personalized to each student’s needs
5 “…needed for long-term success in the workplace” Stable employment Livable wages Career progression
6 Professional and Organizational Standards Job Corps Policy and Requirements Handbook (PRH) State Dental Practice Acts Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) American Dental Association (ADA)
7 PRH Quality Indicators Students are aware of the OHWP Students understand how to seek on- center OHW care Students demonstrate a clear understanding of their oral health status Students demonstrate a clear understanding of their treatment plan
8 PRH Quality Indicators Students’ oral health status will be maintained or improved while enrolled Students will utilize available oral health services appropriately Students are satisfied with the quality of OHW services Students are satisfied with OHW service delivery
9 PRH Quality Indicators Students can describe appropriate lifestyle choices Students take responsibility for maintaining good oral health Students are able to identify and access appropriate health-related programs to meet individual needs
10 Quality Health Care “doing the right thing” “at the right time” “the right way” “for the right patient” “and getting the best possible results” Systemic reviews of the evidence Patient preferences and professional experience Technical skills and experience Decision-making principles and systemic reviews outcomes assessment
11 Group 1 Plan the timeframe, components, length of time, forms, outcomes of the mandatory oral exam.
12 Group 2 Plan oral health and wellness services by CDSS phase. Include timeframes.
13 Group 3 Design the integration of oral health and wellness services with the rest of the center. Describe center-wide support needed to meet quality indicators and the OHWPs support capacity to center-wide initiatives.
14 Group 4 Design the oral health educational and empowerment plan.
15 Group 5 Design the plan for marketing the OHW knowledge, skills, and status as relevant for long-term marketplace success.
16 Center Parameters Size of Center Location of Center Type of Center Location of OHWP OHW Staffing Pattern Volume of New Inputs Budget Constraints
17 External Factors Community oral health resources Government sponsored dental insurance programs
18 Student Factors Age Ethnicity English Language capacity Treatment Need Persistence Rate Dental History “Dental IQ” Oral health-related behavior