TANGO on embedded devices: the Bimorph Mirror application case Fulvio Billè Roberto Borghes, Roberto Pugliese, Lawrence Iviani Instrumentation & Measurement.


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Presentation transcript:

TANGO on embedded devices: the Bimorph Mirror application case Fulvio Billè Roberto Borghes, Roberto Pugliese, Lawrence Iviani Instrumentation & Measurement Software Experiments Division Elettra (Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)

Outline What is a NAD? XCS Controller architecture The specific application: ➢ SY900S a power supply system for Bimorph Mirrors XCS Interfaces ➢ Web, EPICS, Tcps ➢ TANGO Future developments

What is a NAD? A Network Attached Device (NAD) is an instrument that can be interfaced via LAN. But... what about the comunication protocol? Some instruments have MODBUS-TCP/IP Some instruments have MODBUS-TCP/IP Most of them have its own protocol... Most of them have its own protocol... Why not moving to standards... HTTP? HTTP? Channel Access (EPICS)? Channel Access (EPICS)? CORBA (TANGO)? CORBA (TANGO)? Webservices/GRIDservices? Webservices/GRIDservices?

A NAD’s based control system Each NAD speaks the same protocol There is no needed for a centralized control system Each client application (GUI) speaks directly to NADs in a uniform way Intranet / Internet GUI application

The specific application: Bimorph mirror controller Bimorph material allow on-line adjustments to optimize the shape and hence the beam. This method can: Correct thermal modification Correct thermal modification Modify optics Modify optics

Bimorph mirror The electrodes of bimorph mirror are split in more segments to obtain optimal correction. Each segment need a power supply. The performance of the system is strictly connected with the power supply performance -V +V

SY900S Power supply system Multichannel High voltage Bipolar High precision High stability Remote control

The XCS software architecture Our NAD, the bimorph mirror controller, is based on XCS architecture The XCS architecture is the core of the Elettra Beamline Control System. This system is used to control ~ 20 beamlines at Elettra (total ~10000 variables) XCS was initially developed for LynxOS but now runs also under Linux XCS has native tools for web access

XCS butterfly architecture XCS core bpsd beamwat ch POWS UP module DB configure instead of programming BIMOR PH module xxx module yyy module tcps TAN GO epics

XCS role for the bimorph application Usable interface for the final applications Usable interface for different type of users I nstallation, Commissioning, Debug, End user I nstallation, Commissioning, Debug, End user Safe operation Mirror can be seriously damaged if the voltages set pattern is not correct Mirror can be seriously damaged if the voltages set pattern is not correct Implements special algorithm to optimize the behavior of bimorph mirror.

Configuration The system is self-configured. At start-up the controller recognizes each power- supply module and loads from it the calibration parameters. The configuration of XCS database is changed when needed.

The web interface of the system

EPICS interface A minimal EPICS ioc runs inside the instrument controller. Use the ASYN driver to communicate to XCS via loopback ethernet device. The DB of the IOC is configured automatically when the topology of the modules is changed accordingly to the XCS database.

Tcps Interface Is the basic XCS network interface. A very simple ASCII protocol on TCP/IP allow the user to get and set the system points. With this interface you can have a programmatic interface to XCS from every type of client language (C, C++, java, python, perl, LabVIEW, IDL, fuzzyCLIPS, …)

SY900S Device Server A device server called SY900S runs inside the controller Via web interface we set the address of the Database Device Server At boot the device server exports its commands and attributes to the remote TANGO Database. Commands and attributes are dynamically configured accordingly to the XCS database.

SY900S Device Server Special Initial operations Read custom configuration file of XCS “GET” and “SET” commands. Export each “GET” command as TANGO read attribute (export_attribute(...)). Export each “SET” command as TANGO command (export_command(...)).

ASCII Configuration file Attribute type Units Min & Max XCS get command TANGO attribute XCS set command TANGO command

SY900S Device Server runtime operations Each request coming from a TANGO client is translated into a XCS command. Each request coming from a TANGO client is translated into a XCS command. SY900S device server TCPS interface XCS core Bimorph controller To TANGO client From TANGO client A TCPS request is then performed via loopback device. A TCPS request is then performed via loopback device. The reply is translated and sent to the TANGO client. The reply is translated and sent to the TANGO client.

TANGO Client examples Using JIVE Using ATK

Bimorph Mirror application future developments The system will hold inside the procedures to compute the interaction matrix and all needed to calculate the set of voltages to obtain the desired shape. The user will send commands directly in optical parameter (radius of curvature, …). The system will maintain optimal optical performance closing a loop with a wave front analyzer.

Remarks / Considerations The Elettra Beamline Control System architecture (XCS) was ported to Linux and reused for embedded devices. The Web tools developed for the XCS (Bpsd/Beamwatch) can be used for supervision and configuration via WEB. The EPICS and TANGO interfaces were added to allow the user to have a transparent and uniform interface of the mirror controller (NAD concept). The generic user can access the system using tcps protocol with every kind of language EPICS and TANGO interfaces are generic bridges to the XCS control system where XCS acts always as a server We are developing a WebServices / GRIDservices enabled XCS version (GRIDCC FP6 project)

Acknowledgements R. Signorato (Accel) R. Sabjan (Cosylab) Instrumentation for measurement Group (Elettra) Software for measurement Group (Elettra) Machine Control Group (Elettra)