5 th Grade Outdoor Education Camp Arroyo Taylor Foundation Camp in Livermore
Camp Arroyo in Livermore
Great Staff
Team Building
Camp Overview Students will be assigned to three groups by their teachers. –Cabin Groups: 10 students and 1-2 chaperones. Boys and Girls in separate cabins. –Adventure Groups: Trained YMCA Naturalists will lead groups of with 2-3 chaperones. –Table Groups: Students will eat Family Style with this group for all meals, chaperones will float between groups.
Classroom Learning
Outdoor Learning Organic Gardening Eco-Design Hike to Cresta Blanca Climbing Wall
View from the top of Cresta Blanca
Climbing Wall Challenges
Climbing Wall! Personal Challenge! All Students MUST have permission to climb or they will be unable to participate. Form is online and I will provide you with one tonight.
Cabin Life! 10 students 2 chaperones Bathroom with private toilet and shower with privacy curtain Cubbies for toiletries Towel hooks Lights/screens –NO BUGS
Rules Respect, care for, and be honest with others Have a buddy and adult with me always Only enter my own cabin; no pranks allowed Listen to and follow directions Use positive language Leave nature where it is, including rocks and sticks Walk always, unless an instructor tells me to run Follow Fred’s Rules
Cabin Groups
Terrific Food
Nutritious and well-balanced meals Seconds…thirds… Family style-Parents assist with management –Students clean up after themselves Alternative foods for allergies or dietary restrictions- prearranged only! Fruit bowl NO ADDITIONAL Food BUGS! –Hot Beverages and Salad Bar is for Adults only! –No food in cabins Yummy!!!
Please use Packing List!
What to Bring? Packing List on line –Rain gear –Chapstick –Sun Screen –Hat Sleeping bag or twin sheets and blankets What your student can carry Small backpack and water bottle Things that are not new or special
What not to pack? Electronics Additional food Bug spray Medications-even over the counter –Unless authorized by a doctor, listed on a form, and in original packaging. More than your student can carry independently.
Medications All medications, including Over-the- Counter MUST have a physician’s signature: –Three page form, on Fred Site! –Forms must be received 48 hours prior to departure. Original Container To be turned in to Nurse, in the am and will be secured the entire time. Returned to parent upon return. Administered by Camp Arroyo Staff
Parent Chaperones Desire 2 chaperones per cabin Clearance can take 4-6 weeks!
Chaperones Supervise and be in charge of students, whenever they are in cabins and at tables Help students prepare for the day: water, closed toed shoes, and layers Assist with supervision of Adventure Groups and night programs Model Behavior for students Reinforce manners and proper behavior
Cabin Responsibilities Supervise students whenever they are in cabins Waking students at 7 am. –Students will shower, dress, clean-up before breakfast Quiet Time: At this time students MUST stay inside cabins doing quiet activities. Reading, writing letters, quiet games, or resting. Lights out at 9:30 pm During ANY Cabin Time, students must remain inside their cabins until the next activity. –Cell Phones! Help us protect against “Home Sickness” –There is internet available if you need
Needed: Chaperones! We need: chaperones to join us for the adventure. (9-10 male chaperones and 9-10 female chaperones) Chaperones must have completed one week before camp: Current TB test and LiveScan Clearance Goal is for Chaperones to go free! Please see me after the meeting to let me know your intent and to get the forms needed to get the process started.
Cost per Student $ Due by September 25, 2015 Checks accepted until September 4th Paypal link for credit cards: (Scroll down to the bottom of the page for camp registration)
Other Critical Information Student Intent Form due Final Payment due by September 25th. –Or we will be forced to CANCEL! Camp Dates-October 21st to 23rd (Wed. to Fri.) Drivers: Also, if you wish to drive students to camp, make sure to update your insurance and volunteer information with the office. You must be willing to go and come back with the same students. I will provide forms for you tonight for camp.
In Conclusion Tonight: 1.Please let me know tonight if you intend to chaperone. 2.Please let me know if you intend to drive, along with how many you can take. 3.Make your payment and fill out the information for your child as soon as possible. 4.If you want your child to climb the wall, please fill out the disclaimer. 5.If your child has a medical/health situation, please fill out the health form and turn in as soon as possible. 6.Before September 25th, pay camp fee online. (Please contact Mrs. Mognaga if you need to arrange payments) Let’s make it a great adventure for your child!