AdV VAC CTRL SYS Paris, 22 Mar 2013
Proposed Agenda - Morning (9h30 to 12h) part I general status of ctrl system activity _planning _work sharing: support for SW supervision, small cryotraps _cabling _toroidal power supply, cooling fans _components procurement _towers vacuum system finalization _ NE tower rack transportation a folder for uploading documents for the discussion is available here: virgo/vac/control-system/22mar2013-meeting-at- paris/?portal_status_message=Changes%20saved. virgo/vac/control-system/22mar2013-meeting-at- paris/?portal_status_message=Changes%20saved
Afternoon (14h to 17h) part II: Nikhef Cryo control interface _some experience at EGO _some experience at LAL _proposal of Fred Schimmel _free discussion
Planning Some milestones: BS mirror installed mid Jun14 WI mirror Oct14... Jun14: Vacuum in Central towers asked for cleanliness/commissioning (alignment) purposes Beam to NE Nov14 = central tower/ NE tower in Vacuum Begin14: MC/IB ready (vacuum by local system from MC new pump? )
Present planning to be revised
Control stations layout PLC Cryo (Nikhef) General Rack (LAL) PLC AdVIRGO DAQ Client Tango + server DAQ Tango Client General Rack TowerBS (LAL) valves, pumps, vacuum equipment... General Rack TowerNI (LAL) valves, pumps, vacuum equipment Cryotrap valves, pumps, vacuum equipment... LN2 flow, temperature and level senors...
Interface signals with CRYO rack See virgo/vac/control- system/tmp/CRYO_interface_signals_16Feb2013.docx/
Cabling task New custom Cabling, possible sharing Lal team lists cabling design. Lenght communicated by (R.C. + support). Purchase by EGO? Installation by EGO (with remote support of LAL) New ‘proprietary’ cabling such as Pumps one by Ego Already present cabling: left in operation, arranged by EGO
Tower racks equipment Cooling fans choice DC supply
Central Tower racks positioning Racks top attachment structure to be ordered for the 7 racks on the platform. Any issue with that? Design can be circulated