Fix your Computer Hold control (ctrl) while you left-click to follow the links Be wary of using other links that you find on Google as some are guaranteed to be loaded with malware
First Download Chrome or Firefox Internet Explorer is well known for its technical issues, may cause other unintended issues, and surreptitiously collects data on you. Chrome Download – install from here before you do anything. Chrome Horst Lange recommends installing Mozilla Firefox. This is open- source software created by a non-profit organization, so they will not collect or sell data about you.Mozilla Firefox Then install AdBlock plus. It will filter out all ads from your browsing experience.AdBlock plus
Malware Bytes Malware Bytes – Download from this link Malware Bytes This will remove most of the malware currently on your computer, as it is a very popular tool in the professional IT world Double click on the download and install, following the prompt Run the scan immediately
adwcleaner adwcleaner - Download from this link adwcleaner This will remove a lot of unwanted adware from your computer. Double click on the download and install, following the prompt Run the scan immediately - download from this link This might find additional malware not recognized by the other programs. Free for 30 days only. Run the scan immediately
Avast Anti-Virus Unless you are certain you don’t have an antivirus, skip this as it may cause issues Anti-virus This should help prevent viruses on your computer Install at your convenience
Block in-browser ads and pop-ups in Chrome uBlock This is program that is part of your browser that blocks almost all ads, including the ads on the sidebar Going from this: To this: