Secondary Teacher Leader Meeting Presented by: Chasity Lewis October 25, 2012 Nash Central Middle School
Secondary Teacher Leader Agenda Benchmark testing Web Resources NRMS Wikispaces NC Education MSL Sample Items-Activity Survey Exit Ticket
Benchmark Testing Be familiar with test specifications and test items (On ELA Wiki) Secondary wikispaceSecondary wikispace Constructed response must be more than one or two words to be proficient Students should not click submit until the test administrator has verified that all flagged items have been reviewed and all questions answered Extend I does not take a benchmark Extend II will take a ClassScape assessment
Web Resources Consolidated page – link to wiki sites ue ue Sample items – SBAC– ew/sbac/index.htm# ew/sbac/index.htm# - this site contains specs for each question – great to use to build classroom assessments that mirror the smarter balanced assessments
Web Resources Primary Source Site – Literacy Integration These tutorials are for NC Test V 2 and V2.5. We will be testing in V3 and that tutorial should be out soon. udentSignIn udentSignIn StudentSignIn StudentSignIn
Web Resources Educore – ASCD site a982-acdcb03ba908 a982-acdcb03ba
Our Very Own Wiki Nash Rocky Mount Schools Wikispace Resources for all subject areas will now be housed here instead of on the server in folders The site is accessible now Materials currently on the server will be transferred to the wiki by Nov. 16
NC Education New modules and examples of formative assessment plans Connecting with the 21 st Century Learner Digital Literacy Intro to Data Literacy Literacy in History, Science, and other Technical Subjects
Your Meetings with Teachers Be sure to use a sign in sheet to document your meetings Use an agenda and keep for documentation
Braswell Library Teacher Card Pathfinder Resource Kits
MSL Sample Items In groups of 4 review and discuss the multiple choice and constructed response samples Create a visual indicating methods and strategies that can be used in the classroom to prepare students for success in answering such questions Be sure to include what type of materials, resources, and learning experiences that could be utilized to accomplish this.
Exit Ticket 3 things I still have questions about 2 things I need help with 1 thing I liked about the session