A START OF A BEAUTIFUL “RELATIONSHIP” Mike Morris, GISP Rick Ehlin, GISP City of Noblesville Utility IGIC Conference 2011
Let’s Fix Your Relationship
City of Noblesville Located in Hamilton County Located in Hamilton County Population of 51,969 (2010) Population of 51,969 (2010) Approximately 33 sq mi. Approximately 33 sq mi. Noblesville is in the No. 10 spot in the book, “Best Places to Raise Your Family: The Top 100 Affordable Communities in the U.S.” Noblesville is in the No. 10 spot in the book, “Best Places to Raise Your Family: The Top 100 Affordable Communities in the U.S.”
Noblesville Utilities Class 4 Wastewater Utility Class 4 Wastewater Utility Approx. 16,400 Customers Approx. 16,400 Customers 453 Miles of Sanitary and Storm Pipe 453 Miles of Sanitary and Storm Pipe 5 million gallons per day 5 million gallons per day Activated Sludge Plant Activated Sludge Plant 23 Lift Stations 23 Lift Stations
CITYWORKS by Azteca Cityworks is an Enterprise GIS- based Asset Management System. Cityworks is an Enterprise GIS- based Asset Management System. It has the ability to do the following: It has the ability to do the following: Work Orders (address or feature specific)Work Orders (address or feature specific) Service Requests (address or feature specific)Service Requests (address or feature specific) InspectionsInspections StoreroomStoreroom Manage equipment, contractors, employees, etc.Manage equipment, contractors, employees, etc.
Modify existing GIS Layers Add fields (AssetID) to all layers Add fields (AssetID) to all layers Breakup layers into individual layers Breakup layers into individual layers Sanitary line file had to be split into gravity lines, force mains, interceptor, etc.Sanitary line file had to be split into gravity lines, force mains, interceptor, etc. Storm structures “Other” file needed to be broken up into flapgate, cleanout, etc.Storm structures “Other” file needed to be broken up into flapgate, cleanout, etc.
AssetID field is the field Cityworks uses to link assets (features) to work orders.
Create new GIS layers Plant Buildings Plant Buildings Fences for plant and lift stations Fences for plant and lift stations
Attribute fields created Attribute fields created Bldg_Name and AssetID most important Important to get naming correct
Convert existing Access tables to Excel Needed to bring data not currently in GIS in geodatabase tables. Needed to bring data not currently in GIS in geodatabase tables. PumpsPumps HVACHVAC FansFans ValvesValves Access database used by plant operators Access database used by plant operators Needed to convert to excel Needed to convert to excel
Access to Excel All assets in one access database All assets in one access database Data was very inconsistent Data was very inconsistent Assets needed to be split up into individual types Assets needed to be split up into individual types
The naming convention used for the AssetID field was to start with a building code HW (headworks), EF (effluent pump station)….the second part was asset type HVAC, AC (air compressor), PUMP…the final part was a description of equipment type EFFL1 (effluent pump motor #1), RAW4 (raw sewage pump #4). The name that is in the LocationID field is simply the AssetID for our Maint_Building layer. The naming convention used for the AssetID field was to start with a building code HW (headworks), EF (effluent pump station)….the second part was asset type HVAC, AC (air compressor), PUMP…the final part was a description of equipment type EFFL1 (effluent pump motor #1), RAW4 (raw sewage pump #4). The name that is in the LocationID field is simply the AssetID for our Maint_Building layer.
The RelateID is the AssetID of the “Parent” asset. The “Parent” and “child” analogy was used to clarify relationships between two assets.
In Arc Catalog right click on the file geodatabase (.gdb) you want the new table to be located in and go to new Table. Once you select this a new box will open up…the naming convention we used to this was maint_air_compressor.
Create.gdb table fields
Load data from excel into.gdb table Right click on the.gdb table you want to load the data into. Select Load Load Data.
Creating a Relationship Table Can only be done in ArcInfo or ArcEditor Can only be done in ArcInfo or ArcEditor ESRI help menu is great source ESRI help menu is great source
In ArcCatalog, right- click on the geodatabase that contains your tables In ArcCatalog, right- click on the geodatabase that contains your tables Go to New Go to New Click Relationship Class Click Relationship Class
Name your relationship class Name your relationship class Select the table or feature class that is the origin (parent) Select the table or feature class that is the origin (parent) Select the destination table or feature class (child) Select the destination table or feature class (child)
Select the type of relationship Select the type of relationship We used a Simple (peer to peer) relationship We used a Simple (peer to peer) relationship ESRI gives good definition of both ESRI gives good definition of both
Label the relationship from the parent table to the child table Label the relationship from the parent table to the child table Label the relationship from the child table to the parent table Label the relationship from the child table to the parent table
Cardinality One-to-one: One parent object can relate to only one child object. For example a parcel can only have one legal description One-to-one: One parent object can relate to only one child object. For example a parcel can only have one legal description One-to-many: One parent object can relate to multiple child objects. For example a building can have multiple pumps One-to-many: One parent object can relate to multiple child objects. For example a building can have multiple pumps Many-to-many: One parent object can relate to multiple child objects as well as one child object can relate to multiple parent objects. For example a property can have many owners and an owner can own many properties. Many-to-many: One parent object can relate to multiple child objects as well as one child object can relate to multiple parent objects. For example a property can have many owners and an owner can own many properties.
Select the primary field for the parent table Select the primary field for the parent table Select the foreign key field for the child table Select the foreign key field for the child table
Examples of relationships Pump (child) is related to the building (parent) Pump (child) is related to the building (parent)
Motor (child) is related to a pump (child/ parent) which is related to a building (parent) Motor (child) is related to a pump (child/ parent) which is related to a building (parent)