Eng. Ignazio Alberghina Responsible of the One Stop Shop District of Caltagirone - Sicily.


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Presentation transcript:

Eng. Ignazio Alberghina Responsible of the One Stop Shop District of Caltagirone - Sicily

Forum Sofia, 24th January Proposal of a new organizational model The One Stop Shop for Productive Actitities

Forum Sofia, 24th January DEFINITION OF A NEW ORGANIZATIONAL MODEL The main obstacles for the start-up of new enterprises are the complexities of bureaucratical accomplishments, required for the achievement of the necessary authorizations

4Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 DEFINITION OF A NEW ORGANIZATIONAL MODEL Excessive and useless administrative barriers for the start-up could represent an obstacle of the development and hinder the achievement of the full economical efficiency and the optimal development of entrepreneurship.

5Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 GENERAL PRINCIPLES There are two other factor that make even more complex the situation, one is general, the other is specific of the public administrations. The former is the inevitable coexistence of old and new, therefore in the administrative system old and new models overlap about organization, procedures, controls, human resources etc

6Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 GENERAL PRINCIPLES The second factor in the evaluation of administrative change is represented by the fact that the change can concern both the regulations on administration and the administration as a subject that concretely works, acts, etc. Basically, when we speak about changes in administration, it is necessary to distinguish between: administration in law (how it should be) administration in the offices (how it really is). This two administrations are complementary, not antithetical

7Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 GENERAL PRINCIPLES The real change should concern the fundamental principles on which public administration is based. Besides the traditional principles new principles must be applied, sometimes to replace them. the principle of simpliness the principle of transparency the principle of participation the principle of autonomy (with the connected responsibility) the principle of distinction between politics and administration the principle of subsidiarity (vertical and horizontal).

8Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ENTERPRISES AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION At present the relationship between enterprises and public administration are charachterized by the centrality of enterprise, that is compelled to establish plenty of contacts with the numerous bodies in charge of licenzing

9Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 Nationale Fire Safety service Electricity Supply Utility Water Supply Utility Environmental Protection Authorities Hygiene Inspectorate State Technical Supervision APPROVAL OF DESIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PERMIT FOR USE OUTLET REGISTRATION Additional Permit

10Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 The Organization of One Stop Shop It is necessary to create a structure (the One Stop Shop) to be placed at the centre of the process and to represent the single desk for enterprises and to be in charge for all the other bodies and institutions. Municipalities will perform administrative functions making sure that the whole process will be performed by a single structure Chambers of Commerce will have the function of spreading information and forms, in cooperation with Municipalities.

11 One-Stop Shop ENTERPRISE Chamber of Commerce. Municipality

12Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION It will be useful to prepare a REGISTER OF PROCEDURES REGISTER OF PROCEDURES that must be approved by all the involved bodies. This tool will be enjoyable and accessible for every entepreneurs both on paper and in digital format (CD-Rom and/or Internet). Inside this register will be classified the necessary licenses and permits, for each category of productive activities, the involved bodies, the documentation to be handed over, the deadlines and the necessary forms that must be approved by all the involved bodies. This tool will be enjoyable and accessible for every entepreneurs both on paper and in digital format (CD-Rom and/or Internet). Inside this register will be classified the necessary licenses and permits, for each category of productive activities, the involved bodies, the documentation to be handed over, the deadlines and the necessary forms

13Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 THE MUNICIPALITIES The Municipalities will introduce inside their staff a new independent structure, to work on the permanent staff and to coordinate all the sub-procedures concerning the administrative functions for productive settlements. Municipalities will provide a structure called "One Stop Shop".

14 Nationale Fire Safety service Electricity Supply Utility Water Supply Utility Enviromental Protection Authorities Hygiene Inspectorate State Technical Supervision APPROVAL OF DESIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PERMIT FOR USE OUTLET REGISTRATION Additional Permit One-Stop Shop One Instance to present instead of different instances One Permit to obtain instead of several permits Enterprice

15Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 THE FUNCTIONS OF ONE STOP SHOP During the process the one stop shop will acquire all the papers, authorizations and permits that are necessary for the following administrative activities: 1.Firm registration of the merchant 2.Construction permit 3.Permit to use the outlet 4.Outlet registration

16Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 THE FUNCTIONS OF ONE STOP SHOP The One Stop Shop, will organise an informatic archive containing the necessary information and will allow anybody interested to access even on-line to: information about the required documentation for the procedures foreseen by the current regulations; information about the required documentation for the procedures foreseen by the current regulations; the lists of the presented requests of authorization, with their progress in the procedure; the lists of the presented requests of authorization, with their progress in the procedure; any useful information including those concerning the promotion activities. any useful information including those concerning the promotion activities.

17Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 The Responsible of the One Stop Shop Role Competencies Functions

18Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 ROLE OF THE RESPONSIBLE OF THE ONE STOP SHOP to evaluates the conditions of admissibility, the legitimacy requirements and the relevant conditions for the issue of the authorization; to evaluates the conditions of admissibility, the legitimacy requirements and the relevant conditions for the issue of the authorization; to test the conditions and arrange the archievements of the necessary acts and to adopt any measures in order to carry out the appropriate and prompt evaluation. Particularly, it can apply for the issue of attestations and the amendment of wrong or incomplete attestations and he can call for technical tests and inspections and order the exhibition of documents; to test the conditions and arrange the archievements of the necessary acts and to adopt any measures in order to carry out the appropriate and prompt evaluation. Particularly, it can apply for the issue of attestations and the amendment of wrong or incomplete attestations and he can call for technical tests and inspections and order the exhibition of documents; to take care of the communications, publications and notices as foreseen by law and regulations; to take care of the communications, publications and notices as foreseen by law and regulations; to adopt the final authorization, or to forward the documentations to the body in charge. to adopt the final authorization, or to forward the documentations to the body in charge.

19Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 TASKS OF THE RESPONSIBLE OF ONES STOP SHOP To adopt directly the evaluation measures and technical advice To adopt directly the evaluation measures and technical advice To ask to administrations the evaluation acts and technical advice; To ask to administrations the evaluation acts and technical advice; To sign the final authorization for the activity To sign the final authorization for the activity

20Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 THE STEPS OF THE PROCESS The process must be unified The process must be unified Start with a single application, that must contain all the necessary information, including the technical reports in a sufficient number of copies Start with a single application, that must contain all the necessary information, including the technical reports in a sufficient number of copies The application, must be immediately recorded and inserted in the informatic archive. The application, must be immediately recorded and inserted in the informatic archive.

21Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 The steps of the process  Single Procedure and single application  One Structure in charge  One Regulation for the Authorization  Certainty in time-tables

22Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 THE APPROVAL COMMITTEE If it is necessary to carry out more exams of the different public interests involved in an administrative procedure, the administration in charge calls together a Approval Committee

23Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 Approval Committee Nationale Fire Safety Service Electricity Supply Utility Water Supply Utility Enviromental Protection Authorities Hygiene Inspectorate State Technical Supervision MUNICIPALITY All specialized control bodies togheter to get One Resolution

24Forum Sofia, 24th January 2006 ONE STOP SHOP AND THE OTHER ADMINISTRATIONS AND PUBLIC BODIES Power to accelerate the evaluation measures of other bodies, and that have to be unified in the single measure; Power to accelerate the evaluation measures of other bodies, and that have to be unified in the single measure; Power to warn and to bring a default action against for non-fulfilment or delay in the fulfilment; Power to warn and to bring a default action against for non-fulfilment or delay in the fulfilment; Power to call together the Approval Committee, even apart from the request of the enterprise; Power to call together the Approval Committee, even apart from the request of the enterprise; When deadline elapses, the responible calls together the Approval Committee; When deadline elapses, the responible calls together the Approval Committee;