Implementation of the HUD/DOT/EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities in EPA Region 5 Stephanie Cwik US EPA Region 5 Community and Land Revitalization Branch National Brownfields Pilot Project: Indianapolis Smart Growth District Vita Nuova Sustainability Series February 24, 2012
Partnership for Sustainable Communities Guiding Principles Provide more transportation choices Promote equitable, affordable housing Enhance economic competitiveness Support existing communities Coordinate policies and leverage investment Value communities and neighborhoods
Partnership for Sustainable Communities Indianapolis Smart Growth District How did it get started? Brownfields assessment grant + area wide approach = brownfields inventory Designated as Smart Growth District = buy-in from city CARE grant to MBCDC, increased education in neighborhood about environmental issues AIA SDAT team involvement: outlined major issues for the neighborhood and some strategies for revitalization
EPA-led projects Sustainable Skylines Initiative CSO Long Term Control Plans Brownfields Redevelopment Areas Smart Growth Redevelopment District Monon Parkway Cultural Trail RCRA Sites – Toxic or Air Releases only LCD, ORD & Brownfields K6 Grantee Kansas State CARE Grant Legacy Project Superfund Removal Sites DOT&MPO-led projects East Washington/Historic US 40 corridor Indianapolis-led projects EPA HUD DOT Sustainable Communities Pilot Project – Indianapolis, IN
City of Indianapolis: Department of Metropolitan Development Planning Brownfields Grants Management Office of Sustainability Mayor’s Office of Economic Development Parks and Recreation Indianapolis MPO Community Development Corporations: Martindale-Brightwood CDC King Park Area CDC Federal Partners EPA HUD FHWA FTA State – Indiana Finance Authority/Indiana Brownfields Program Unofficial Committee Member – AIA Sustainable Design Action Team Implementation Committee Advisory Committee Comprised of many different stakeholder groups: Partnership for Sustainable Communities Indianapolis Smart Growth District
Begin crafting the Revitalization Strategy: Challenges Assets Priorities for redevelopment Connection of brownfields, transit and housing Jobs Neighborhood character Partnership for Sustainable Communities Indianapolis Smart Growth District
Added focus to existing projects Community infrastructure assessment IndyReZone 16 th Street Comprehensive Planning Meetings Partnership for Sustainable Communities Indianapolis Smart Growth District
Implementation: Funding Charrette Develop a concrete, 3-year funding plan for improvements to the 16 th Street Redevelopment Area Identify local and federal funding sources Prioritize investments and identify projects Partnership for Sustainable Communities Indianapolis Smart Growth District
Funding Charrette Results Linkage and leveraging – cash in on Indy’s influx of capital Create communications and outreach strategy for residents as well as funders Promote walkability by providing developable sites Demonstrate incremental successes and opportunities for the near future Efforts should be concentrated on improving the lives of the people and providing what they need in their community. Partnership for Sustainable Communities Indianapolis Smart Growth District
Partnership for Sustainable Communities Has this changed the way we work? Yes. Convener: Able to rally feds and neighborhood groups to get out of their own stovepipes. Leverage other existing activities: ongoing EPA projects, other federal grants, other local projects. Impact: This collaborative approach has allowed the local CDCs to build capacity and effectively communicate with different city departments.
Thank you Stephanie Cwik