Hank Aaron By: Rudy Rabb
The early days Hank Aaron was born on February 5, 1934 in mobile Alabama. He was one of seven brothers and sisters Hank live in the poor black section of mobile called “Down the Bay” but later on him and his family moved to the middle class Toulminville neighborhood.
He was born to Estella and Herbert Aaron. He was their third child of seven. his father did not make much they had to live off of 75 to 80 dollars a week. Hank always stayed out of trouble because he was always playing baseball. He could afford a ball so he used tightly wound rags and use his mothers broom stick as a bat.
The education of Hank When he was growing up in the 30’s school was racially segregated. Aaron who was black went to a all black grammar school. After grammar school hank went to Mobile’s Central High School.
The high school he went to didn’t have a baseball team so he played fast pitch softball. He also played in a neighbor hood sandlot team during his spare time. In 1951 hank quit school to go play in the negro league. He played for the Indianapolis clowns
Hank Aaron is still living today. He jus turned 77 on Feb He has been working as the senior vice president for the Atlanta Braves since 1990 He also is the vice president for the business development for The Airport Network.
Charities? Hank Aaron did not have any charities that was his but he did contribute to them. One he contributed to was the Bay Bears charities.
What jobs Hank Aaron didn’t do any jobs. He never got a chance to have a job when he was younger he was always playing baseball. In 1951 it paid of because baseball became his job. He began to play for the mobile black bears for 10$ a game until he turned 18 then he joined the Indianapolis clowns and played for 200$ a month.
Moving up in the world The clowns played 8-10 games a week and Aaron found it tiring but not to long after a scout for the braves saw Aaron and made him a minor league contract. He played 18 games and made it to the all star team. That same season hank won the MVP award for the sally’s league.
How did he change culture? He change culture because he broke the second barrier of baseball. He made it so that African Americans can break records and play baseball without worry.
How’s the world different He surpassed Babe Ruth who was the current holder of the homerun record. He set the bar for black and white Americans in baseball. He was the last person to break the record honestly.
citations "Hank Aaron." Biography.com. 18 Apr 2011, 01:40 Aaron Aaron