Schedule of Activities 23 February 2004
Invitation to join and build consensus
Schedule of Activities March – April Roadshows Briefing, fund raising and inviting Government departments and Business, Community, Academic and Professional Groups January–MayOpinion Leaders and Shapers Research and Survey GML Consultants May 3, 2004Conference EnviroSeries, Business Environment Council Ballroom, Island Shangri-La Hotel May 4-7, 2004Round table Seminars EnviroSeries, Business Environment Council Pacific Place Conferencing Centre May 2, 2004Public Forum and Exhibition Pacific Place, Park Court March – MayReport on findings to the Government Independent Panel March 16 Stakeholder Briefing Launching Designing Hong Kong Harbour District for opinion leaders and shapers, decision makers, and Government officials
Roadshow Briefing Government Departments, Business groups, Professional groups, Community groups and Academics Briefing constituencies Inviting to participate in ‘Designing Hong Kong Harbour District’ Fund raising Meetings and Briefings Stakeholder briefingMarch 16 FCC Lunch BriefingMarch 5 Chambers of Commerce and Professional Bodies Civic and Community Groups
Opinion Leaders and Shapers Research Canvassing views from a wide spectrum of opinion leaders and key stakeholders through interviews, survey and workshops TimeJanuary – June 2004 Project ManagementGML Consulting SponsorsCreative Initiatives Foundation The Experience Group MF Jebsen Swire Properties
Conference Corporate, professional, government and academic organizations to build consensus on the key principles for sustainable planning of the Hong Kong Harbour District DateMay 3, 2004 VenueIsland Shangri-la Hotel, Ballroom OrganizerBusiness Environment Council EnviroSeries SponsorsThe Swire Group, HSBC, Gammon Skanska, KMB, Wharf
Stakeholder Seminars Organizations are invited to organize specialist forums. The space is free in return for recorded outcome (presentations, summaries, polls, etc.). Interested parties are invited to contact the Business Environment Council. ContactAndrew THOMSON DatesMay 4 – 7, 2004 Venue Pacific Place Conferencing Centre SponsorSwire Properties
Public Forum Public forum on the principles, process and implementation of sustainable urban planning for the Hong Kong Harbour District VenuePark Court, Pacific Place DatesMay 2, 2004
Planning and Design Exhibition Urban planning concepts and designs for the HKHD and related projects from the first plans in 1947 for the redevelopment of Kai Tak to the designs for West Kowloon and the Central/Wanchai reclamation in VenuePark Court, Pacific Place DatesMay 2, 2004
Report to Government The outcome of the research, conference, seminars, forums and competition will be compiled into a report. Participants of the various activities will be polled to identify consensus on the key findings. The final report and all recorded outcome will be presented to the Government. An independent panel will be invited to ensure integrity.