Idaho Child Nutrition Programs Biannual State Directors Meeting November 2011 Colleen Fillmore, PhD, RD, LD This institution is an equal opportunity provider
What we will be reviewing… Final Solution? Current Idaho Staffing USDA Changes Idaho Nutrition Standards
National School Lunch Child and Adult Care Summer Food USDA Foods Special Milk Camp Milk After School Snack At Risk Snack Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Programs we administer…
Idaho Staffing Director = 1 Coordinators = 7 Includes running 3 grants TN (Team Nutrition) ART (Admin Review/Training Direct Certification Administrative Assistants and Technicians Regional Consultants (Part time) Regions of Idaho
CurrentNew Regulations Review CycleEvery 5 yearsEvery 3 years* Meals ReviewedLunch FFVP (If applicable) Breakfast* Lunch After School Snack* FFVP (If applicable) Review timeline1 week2 weeks* Review Wellness PolicyMake sure they have one or give TA Wellness Policy Compliance for new requirements outlined in new law* Sponsors Menu Planning Options Nutrient Standard Menu Planning (NSMP) Traditional Food Based Enhanced Food Based Food Based Only* Responsibility for Nutrient Analysis SFA – IF NSMP – SA Verifies State Agency if Food Based Option selected Only one week required State Agency must analyze 2 weeks* (All sponsors must be food based) Certification for 6 cent extra reimbursement N/AState must certify 100% of each schools menus*
Growth in SAE
Socratic Method… is a discipline that uses questioning to explore complex ideas, to get to the truth of things, to open up issues and problems, to analyze concepts, to distinguish what we know from what we don't know, and to follow out logical implications of thought.
Potential Solutions or Ideas For Reviews: Hire outside consultants to help with additional duties. Have current regional consultants take on more responsibilities. Do not apply for competitive grants and reassign current personnel.
Outside Consulting Groups Other State Experiences? Current Companies USDA Knowledge Reliability Quality
For Trainings: More webinar trainings instead of face to face. On-line Distance training. End of course assessment Pre/Post Tests Potential Solutions or Ideas cont.
Raising the Bar for Healthy Meals: A Success Story from Idaho
Why implement nutrition standards? December 2007 USDA Policy Memo asked SAs to be proactive in implementing the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Idaho wanted to set the bar high and encourage schools statewide to meet the most current nutrition recommendations.
Developed and produced on-line video trainings to put on website Regional and School District trainings On Idaho Nutrition Standards
First School Year Response: overall very positive Have not heard that standards negatively effected meal participation State Superintendent has received positive comments from school administrators Compliments in the SA office Public beginning to understand that school meals are healthy
Support for the Standards Idaho Nutrition Standards are part of the Idaho SA SMI review Unannounced visits to schools as needed Cooking With Whole Grains Workshops Vendor recognition at food shows
Change in Yearly Idaho Commodity Orders for Schools BeforeAfterDifference Nutrition Standard: Limit Pre-Fried Foods Chicken Nuggets 24 Trucks16 Trucks 1,356,800 less servings of chicken nuggets (a total of 6,784,000 less chicken nuggets) Nutrition Standard: Whole Grains Whole Grain Flour 3 Trucks9 Trucks 7,279,009 more slices of whole grain bread (257,040 more pounds WG flour) Whole Grain Pasta ½ truck4 trucks 1,470,000 more ½ cup servings of WG pasta (140,000 more pounds of WG pasta) 2010 is the first year school districts have chosen to have all whole grain chicken nuggets and patties for processing.
Before and After Standards Chicken Nuggets Whole Grain Flour Whole Grain Pasta Based on truck loads
Improvement due to Nutrition Standards (32 schools) Item Before - those meeting our Idaho Nutrition Standards After – those meeting our Idaho Nutrition Standards Whole Grains3% (1 school)81% (26) Pre-fried88% (28)100% (32) Fiber16% (5)66% (21) Cholesterol41% (13)81% (26)
In Conclusion Schools implementing these standards will be more prepared for the final USDA nutrition standards. Public has more respect for school meals in Idaho (overall awareness of healthy nutrition standards for school meals)
Key Components When Implementing Nutrition Standards Market to people outside of food service. Communicate: Market, market, market Release cycle menus before school implementation deadline Get buy-in from food service up front Provide adequate time to implement Communicate with food vendors
Questions Idaho State Department of Education: If you want this presentation electronically please me at: