Random Fact or Fiction Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy FactsSchool Life Beyond the Classroom
$100 Question: “Facts” What is Farquhar’s mascot? ANSWER
$100 Answer: “Facts” Roadrunner HOME
$200 Question: “Facts” Who is the principal at Faquhar? ANSWER
$200 Answer: “Facts” Mrs. Morris HOME
$300 Question: “Facts” Who are the school counselor at Farquhar? ANSWER
$300 Answer: “Facts” Ms. James Mr. Ingram Ms. Lucas Ms. Reddicks HOME
$400 Question: “Facts” What are the school colors for Farquhar? ANSWER
$400 Answer: “Facts” Blue and Yellow HOME
$500 Question: “Facts” Approximately how many students go to Farquhar? ANSWER
$500 Answer: “Facts” 638 HOME
$100 Question: “School Life” What are electives? ANSWER
$100 Answer: “School Life” Classes that you get to choose from. HOME
$200 Question: “School Life” Are you allowed to carry a book bag? ANSWER
$200 Answer: “School Life” Yes HOME
$300 Question: “School Life” How many minutes do you have between classes? ANSWER
$300 Answer: “School Life” 4 minutes HOME
$400 Question: “School Life” What are the school hours in middle school? ANSWER
$400 Answer: “School Life” 7:55-2:40 HOME
$500 Question: “School Life” How many class periods are in 1 day? ANSWER
$500 Answer: “School Life” 7 class periods HOME
$100 Question: “Beyond the Classroom” Will I have all of my classes with my elementary school friends? ANSWER
$100 Answer: “Beyond the Classroom” No. Chances are, you will not have many classes with your friends from elementary school. However, you may have some classes or lunch with them. The bright side? You can still be their friend AND make lots of new friends too. HOME
$200 Question: “Beyond the Classroom” True or False? You will have more food choices in the cafeteria in middle school than in elementary school. ANSWER
$200 Answer: “Beyond the Classroom” True! Such as…french fries. HOME
$300 Question: “Beyond the Classroom” What are the names of some clubs you could join? (Name 3) ANSWER
$300 Answer: “Beyond the Classroom” Homework club: Students who desire help with academic homework assignments or to those who would like a quiet setting to complete their homework. Students must come with homework. Students must sign up in advance of each meeting day and sign-up sheets are posted in the cafeteria. Class size is limited to 22 students Tuesdays & Thursdays and the extracurricular fee is not required. Sponsors: Mrs. Rhone & Ms. Kozma Math On Call: "Hello. Hello. Is anyone out there? I need help. You see, I have this math problem that I can't figure out." If this has ever happened to you, then come to Math on Call after school to get a jump on nightly homework, ask questions, and even work with a friend. Math On Call is open to all FMS math students on a walk-in basis. Sponsor: Math Department every Wednesday. REC Extra’s Leo Club: Students with an interest in community service are welcome. The Lions Club established the club in an effort to bring youth into community service through their school. The club is dedicated to helping the community by engaging students in various community service projects. Students will receive student service learning hours for participating in projects. Wednesdays, Sponsors: Ms. Kozma & Mrs. Orzel. HOME
$400 Question: “Beyond the Classroom” Do you have PE every day in middle school? ANSWER
$400 Answer: “Beyond the Classroom” Yes, if you are signed up for it. HOME
$500 Question: “Beyond the Classroom” What happens if you forget your locker combination? ANSWER
$500 Answer: “Beyond the Classroom” The front office has your combination written down. It is important for you to remember and be responsible for your combination, but don’t panic if you forget it. HOME
$100 Question: “Random” How many lunch periods are there? ANSWER
$100 Answer: “Random” 3 HOME
$200 Question: “Random” How will you know when to change classes? ANSWER
$200 Answer: “Random” A bell will ring, signaling the end of the class period. Then, you go to your next class. Don’t be late! HOME
$300 Question: “Random” How can you see your school counselor in middle school? ANSWER
$300 Answer: “Random” Students can be referred for a group by a teacher, counselor, principal, self-referral or parent request. HOME
$400 Question: “Random” Which grades ride the bus together? ANSWER
$400 Answer: “Random” All grades. HOME
$500 Question: “Random” What is peer pressure? ANSWER
$500 Answer: “Random” Students who are about your age who make you feel like you HAVE to do something to be “cool.” HOME
$100 Question: “Fact or Fiction” Fact or Fiction? Your parents are responsible for you doing your homework. ANSWER
$100 Answer: “Fact or Fiction” Fiction You will be responsible for keeping up with your assignments/homework HOME
$200 Question: “Fact or Fiction” Fact or Fiction? There are bullies in middle school. ANSWER
$200 Answer: “Fact or Fiction” Fact There could be bullies in any school, but you know what to do! HOME
$300 Question: “Fact or Fiction” Fact or Fiction? There is more homework in middle school than elementary school. ANSWER
$300 Answer: “Fact or Fiction” Fact As school subjects get harder, it may take longer to do your assignments. However, you WILL have time for extracurricular activities like sports, music, clubs, time with friends, and more! HOME
$400 Question: “Fact or Fiction” Fact or Fiction? Farquhar has sports that students can try out for. ANSWER
$400 Answer: “Fact or Fiction” Fact Students can play speedball, basketball, tennis, and volleyball as after school activitives in middle school. HOME
$500 Question: “Fact or Fiction” Fact or Fiction? There is nobody to help you find your classes if you get lost. ANSWER
$500 Answer: “Fact or Fiction” Fiction Teachers are available to help you. HOME
Final Jeopardy Who are 3 people to go to if you have more questions about middle school? ANSWER
Final Jeopardy Answer Friend Family Member Teacher School Counselor Principal Other Adult and more! HOME