CFDLS © 2013 Central Florida Diversity Learning Series 2013 Evaluation Summary of Session 5 on September 24 th Leveraging ERG’s and Diversity Councils as Cultural Competence Resources Presenter: Jennifer Brown
CFDLS © 2013 EVALUATION DETAILS A total of 19 evaluations were turned in, 6 of which were filled out by managers and 13 of which were filled out by individual contributors or employees. A total of 24 people attended the session. The first 4 questions asked participants to rate their knowledge before and after the session, on a scale from 1-5. Questions 5-8 were open-ended with room to write in responses.
CFDLS © I am culturally competent in all aspects of ERGs/DRGs and Diversity Councils. Based on 6 manager responses and 13 individual responses. Managers’ total improvement: 21%IC’s total improvement: 19%
CFDLS © I understand how to leverage ERGs/DRGs and Diversity Councils for success. Based on 6 manager responses and 13 individual responses. Managers’ total improvement: 21%IC’s total improvement: 25%
CFDLS © 2013 Based on 6 manager responses and 13 individual responses. Managers’ total improvement: 10%IC’s total improvement: 32% 3. I know which models to use to create, maintain and sustain ERGs/DRGs and Diversity Councils.
CFDLS © 2013 Based on 6 manager responses and 13 individual responses. Managers’ total improvement: 16%IC’s total improvement: 55% 4. I can use the right tools to measure the impact of these groups.
CFDLS © 2013 Average Rating per Question (Managers and Individuals Combined)
CFDLS © 2013 Total Percentage Improvement per Question (Managers and Individuals Combined)
CFDLS © 2013 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 5.What was your most significant learning today? Managers: Diversity vernacular Value of ERGs, buy-in top-down/bottom-up The role that ERGs can play in influencing legislation/government Stories All of it!
CFDLS © 2013 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 5.What was your most significant learning today? Individual Contributors: Learned how broad the ERGs are. They take a lot of time. Find people who are passionate about ERGs Value propositions, ERGs are problem-solvers, high impact groups Value alignment; the business case for ERGs; and appealing to sponsors Business case development
CFDLS © 2013 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 5.What was your most significant learning today? Individual Contributors: Building the business case Direction for ally work The value ERGs can have on an organization Workplace intelligence, best practices DRG collaboration Better understanding of how to leverage ERGs
CFDLS © 2013 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 6.How will you use one or more of the tools presented/ practiced today? Managers: Assessments Training development Take back to the rest of the D&I team, ERGs, and leadership
CFDLS © 2013 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 6.How will you use one or more of the tools presented/ practiced today? Individual Contributors: I will use the progression model to help show where we can take our program Discuss with ERG leadership We will further examine the readiness of the organization for full ERG development and deployment Progression model to lay foundation for action planning Take this information back and share with ERGs
CFDLS © 2013 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 6.How will you use one or more of the tools presented/ practiced today? Individual Contributors: Launching ally program “Progression” model to measure activity Share tools with HR community To support further DRG formation I’m going to look at groups we do have in a different light Working together ERGs/DRGs enhance their opportunities
CFDLS © 2013 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 7.How might you integrate what you learned about ERGs/DRGs and DCs into your organization? Managers: Influencing stakeholders Background info to help start conversation
CFDLS © 2013 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 7.How might you integrate what you learned about ERGs/DRGs and DCs into your organization? Individual Contributors: I will use it to start more ERGs Educate myself to communicate business impacts Educate peers and clients Focus groups/conversations
CFDLS © 2013 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 8.Other comments: (usefulness of handouts, quality of the presenters, facilitators, food, facilities, access, insights): Managers: Excellent! Overall: very informative, I enjoyed group engagement and interaction. Thank you!
CFDLS © 2013 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 8.Other comments: (usefulness of handouts, quality of the presenters, facilitators, food, facilities, access, insights): Individual Contributors: Wonderful topic, beneficial session, would love to attend an entire day/longer sessions. There was a lot of information to digest. I will need to review and discuss with my colleagues how best to move ahead. Facilities and food were great! Thank you! Great information in the book, Jennifer did a great job.
CFDLS © 2013 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 8.Other comments: (usefulness of handouts, quality of the presenters, facilitators, food, facilities, access, insights): Individual Contributors: Fantastic job Jennifer! We did not get to talk much about Diversity Councils. Handouts were good, facilities were cold. Like the progression model. Was familiar with it but it’s good to be refreshed and learn how other organizations are doing and thriving with it. Good handouts and info to take back