XSEDE12 Closing Remarks Craig Stewart XSEDE12 General Chair Executive Director, Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute
Congratulations and Thanks 616 Registrants; 580 attendees!!! Thanks again to ACM SIGAPP (Special Interest Group on Applications) Thanks to the sponsors: Dell/Intel; Appro, Penguin Computing, Cray, Nvidia, Computation Institute; San Diego Supercomputer Center, CASC, FutureGrid, IU Pervasive Technology Institute Thanks to the NSF for funding support for XSEDE in general and student and campus champion participation in the XSEDE12 conference
Thank you, XSEDE12 non-profit sponsors: BRONZE SILVER
Thank you, XSEDE12 corporate sponsors: PLATINUM GOLD SILVER BRONZE
More thanks! Thanks to the program committee (we set high goals; I took good advice on who to put in key roles in the program committee and then then stayed out of the way) Success in Focus on diversity writ large – particularly noticeable in the student participation Thanks to our sign language interpreters Keynote & Plenary Speakers: John Towns, Richard Tapia, Thomas Eikerman, Gayatri Buragohain, Jim Kinter, Steven Reiner Greg Brice, Kenny Armstrong and his colleagues at AVI for audio visual Amy Watts, Alana Zeiger, John Barbier and their colleagues at Hotel Intercontinental Donna Hunt (President HMS Meeting Services) and Yvonne Bean (Yvonne Bean Director, Global Accounts HelmsBriscoe) Thanks to the Hotel – hospitality, accessibility, and FOOD Thanks to everyone who submitted, presented, reviewed, chaired or attended!
A quick tally of biggest successes Key successes – XSEDE and beyond – global reach through attendance from several continents – Student Programs – Quality of the talks 2 nd Biggest Success: The number of people in attendance in the sessions Biggest Success: the sense of one team, and one community we have all felt at this conference Our reach will forever exceed our grasp, but, in stretching our horizon, we forever improve our world
The end! NEXT YEAR IN SAN DIEGO! As XSEDE12 General Chair, I now formally call the conference to a close
Notes This material has been prepared with support of NSF awards and , and major grant support from the Lilly Endowment to Indiana University to support the Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, Lilly Endowment, or XSEDE leadership. All slides (except where explicitly noted) are copyright 2012 by the Trustees of Indiana University, and this content is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license ( Please cite as: Stewart, C.A. XSEDE12 closing remarks Presentation. Presented at: XSEDE12 (Chicago, IL, Jul 2012).