Company Profile Grup Servicii Petroliere ( GSP ) is 100 % member of Upetrom Group. GSP was established in May 2004 based in Constanta, Romania. GSP GSP is performing the following activities: Offshore & Onshore Drilling Well Intervention Services Offshore Construction Naval Supply and Transportation GSP GSP is a member of: -IADC ( International Association of Drilling Contractors); -IWCF (International Well Control Forum) -IMCA (International Maritime Contractors Association) for Maritime Construction & Remote systems and ROV divisions, Africa & Europe Section.
Organizational chart
Health Safety Environment Quality
HSEQ goals: NO harm to people NO harm to the environment What we believe in: We operate as one group Client relationships are the key Projects are our business Engineering is the heart of our business People are central to our success We act on our commitments HSEQ
HSEQ Management System In order to achieve these HSEQ Objectives you need to have and implement a proper HSEQ Management System, able to regulate all company activities with respect of the HSEQ aspects. The issue of this management system has been initiated since the very beginning of this company and now, after 4 years, we can say that we have a well structured and implemented HSEQ MS. This HSEQ MS is an integrated management system, following the local and international standards regarding Health, Safety, Environment and Quality. Due to the fact that the major part of our activity is offshore, we have updated this management system as to comply with the requirements of the ISM Code too. At present, we have a comprehensive HSEQ MS certified by GL to be in compliance with the requirements of: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS and ISM Code. HSEQ
7 Our set targets at the beginning of the year 2008: Accidents resulting in LTI = 0 Reduction with 15% of all accidents resulting in personal injury Pollution accidents = 0 Improving the quality of personnel health Improving the HSE awareness of all employees Improving the level of safety at all working places Improving the level of personnel competency HSEQ
9 IADC recognition awards for three of our drilling rigs for three years LTI free. The other two drilling rigs have been awarded for two years LTI free at the end of No LTI reported in our fleet and onshore activities. Now, we are proud to say that we have more than 6,000,000 man-hours LTI free. HSEQ