Autism with additional Learning Difficulties : special school strategies Autism with additional Learning Difficulties : special school strategies Dr. Rita Jordan School of education, University of Birmingham 2003
The Dual Disability general learning difficulties –direct effect on the ability to learn –interact with the autistic disorder understanding at the psychological level crucial needs of those with profound learning difficulties social responsiveness as well as skills
Communication Communication is a curricular priority –for its own sake –as a skill to access the curriculum includes gestures, facial expressions, proximity & body posture also language problems need to understand communication
Language Difficulties significant number remain mute need to teach: –difference between what the words mean and what the speaker means –awareness of concepts and needs –a means for communication –within an environment that fosters communication
Teaching Communication PECS for expression TEACCH for reception teach communicative functions directly only one new dimension at a time 5 dimensions to communication: * form*vocabulary *communicative function *semantic meaning *context
Understanding Communicative Gestures communicative intent speech roles joint attention early communicative gestures need explicit instructions direct teaching of meaning of gesture a programme of desensitisation
Non-Productive, Pedantic, Literal Use and Understanding language used for narrow range of purposes often echolalic and non-productive interpret idioms or sarcasm literally direct teaching of conversational skills: –turn taking –active listening –topic intro., maintenance & change
Reading - Hyperlexia and Abnormal Development check for understanding of read texts demonstrate the purpose of reading factual texts & familiar stories –can develop play - Sherratt & Peter (2002) written language can be: –a bridge to spoken language –a way of getting needs met
Educational Uses of Language failure of communicative intent difficult to understand spoken instructions: –visual presentation, structure, physical guidance & CAL educational use of questions inappropriate model of didactic style teach in functional contexts
Social and Emotional Development skills difficult without understanding not aware of own emotions –no reflection, no control, no punishment –symbols mislead without understanding need some rules with a wide currency –need communicative partner other 'rules' may be socially disabling e.g. look when being addressed –will not know purpose –not able to time gaze appropriately
Teaching Social Understanding videos / instant photographs for social cues innovatory aspects of ICT range of techniques based on mutual enjoyment of interaction: –'Interactive Teaching' –Option –Music-Assisted Communication Therapy –Hanen –Floortime
Teaching Social Understanding 2 avoid secondary handicaps teach meanings, not meaningless rituals teach directly to act as part of a group compensate for lack of peer relationships e.g. transition/ sexuality self-help and independent skills may have a social element
Teaching about Emotions self then others explicit meaning through: –mirrors - attention to own –unambiguous emotional expressions –explicit labelling –context managing extreme emotional reactions enjoyable experiences enhance learning
Flexibility in Thinking and Behaviour compensatory strategies: –help the individual cope within the limitations of the disability –TEACCH - good compensatory approach remedial strategies: –help find alternative routes to overcoming those limitations
Changing Behaviour difficult to inhibit actions change the environment prevent the response & train alternative develop self control (supports) functional analysis teach adaptive behaviours plan - do - reflect
Curriculum Aims understanding of self & others independence skills for integration into society pay attention to teacher's demands develop a relationship through opportunities for emotional engagement direct rules and codes of conduct recognise effects of their own actions
Teaching Reminders repetition for consolidation emotional engagement and interest explicit external (visual) cueing taking account of contextual dimensions academic and social skills aesthetic, physical & spiritual understanding, skills & experiences