eTwinning Contact Seminar, Bratislava
project between Malta and Slovakia November – June Children 7-9 years old National quality label National prize winner European quality label
Select the topic with your pupils - interest, motivation Set the goal Find your partners
Communicate about the goal, tasks and content with your partners ( , Skype, google docs )google docs Plan and write the project - think of the number of activities and schedule (not stressful) Project Project Decide about the tools , PowerPoint, Voki, Slideshare, Picassa, Google, Windows media player, Youtube, Twinspace, Blogspot, Mixbook, wikispaces wikispaces
Project learning - integrate the project to your curriculum (Slovak language, English, Math, Informatics, Geography, Natural Science, Arts and crafts, Music lessons, Ethics) Cooperate with other teachers at school (support of headmaster )
Let children learn from and with each other Not just sharing materials with your partners, collaborative activities are important writing our story, making illustrations, making comparison, graphs, creating problems, quizzes, riddles, crosswords,... Calendar of activities – set the deadlines for all activities - Twin Space Calendar Calendar Trust, responsibility, reliability
Let children do as much as possible Model: question (problem) - gathering materials, information, research - analyzing – conclusions – presentations presentations Working in groups – sharing tasks (children have a chance to show their potential, to realize themselves Important – let them think, discover, cooperate, help each other
During the project regular evaluation – progress, achievements, problems – all children presenting partial results at school, for parents After finishing the project presentation of final products, results publishing on web sites, media Twinspace, blog, wiki Twinspaceblogwiki
They didn´t have to learn, but they learned with joy and happiness They investigated, created, cooperated, helped each other They were proud to see the results of their work, they raised their self-confidence Children are looking forward to school They love English They learn parents how to use ICT tools They are creative team, eager to create new projects
Thank you