Financial Disadvantage Pathfinder 2008/9
Timelines July 07 Extended Services Core Team established following TDA workshops July 08 Invitation to be involved in Disadvantage Pathfinder Summer 08 word “Financial” added/highlighted September 08 Activities start!!
“Disadvantage” Financial Disadvantage DSS Benefits/Free school meals Parents or carers in low – skilled occupations or unemployed Parents or carers educated to below GCSE A to C grades Pupil or family involvement in crime/drugs use Obesity and/or poor health Poor written language, literacy or numeracy Poor oral communication skills including EAL Poor school attendance Disengaged from school activities Disengaged from extra curricular and activities available locally Socially unconfident Disruptive and aggressive – excluded from school or at risk from exclusion Insufficient parental involvement to support children’s learning or welfare Children with caring responsibilities Looked After Children Underachievers relative to potential Re-formed families or changing family situations Children who feel they are bullied
The “real” picture Looked After Children or Financial disadvantage plus one or more of Poor attendance Disengagement from learning or activities SEN or low levels of learning Social difficulties Challenging behaviour
Identifying students LAC FSM IDACI Notts LA) ACORN Personal knowledge of family circumstances
ISSUES Differences between schools Lack of local services Responding to the community “free places” envy Tracking attendance Tracking spending per student Identifying outcomes Insurance for events
SUCCESSES Activity days well attended and new activities trialled leading to new clubs Sporting success – raising self esteem and confidence New experiences Attendance Reading / literacy Individual stories
Lessons Learnt Be flexible and creative Get SLT involved in the team Identify possible measurable outcomes before you start an activity Try new things Don’t despair if numbers are low at first The time commitment is huge, especially admin, spread it about!