Wiltse News Curriculum Corner: Math: Unit 5: Polygons, 3D & 2 D shapes Reading: Guided Reading/Reading Centers: Liquid & Solids Using pictures and content to make predictions and inferences. Reading for meaning: connections, reactions, opinions, predictions, questions and visuals. Reading Centers/Guided Reading Writing: Writer’s Workshop: Writing nonfiction Spelling: Spelling Lists # 8-11 Consonant clusters, endings with nk & ng, short vowel sounds and vowel-consonant e Science: Solids and Liquids Properties of Solids and Liquids November has been an exciting month. We have talked a lot about traditions and holidays. I shared with the children what a traditional Thanksgiving would be like in America. We read several stories about the history of the first European settlers. The children have enjoyed reading about Pilgrims and learning about the travels on the Mayflower. In December we will once again be looking at more traditions and factual information about Christmas. I hope when Chinese New Year comes around in February you and your families will be able to share this tradition/celebration with me. For our class December celebration we will be keeping it very small. Our room mother, Anna Macky, will be making arrangements to have a few Moms help us with cookie decorating and a craft. We will do this on December 19 th in the afternoon. Only parents who are helping are invited to attend. If you have any spare Christmas decorations we would love to decorate our room. Please send them in now with your child. Thanks! Have a good week! Karen Wiltse From the teacher Important Dates to Remember December 11 th PTA Book fair for our class Remember to bring $ December 14 th Music Program at 9:00 December 15 th PTA Winter Wonderland December 20 th Early release at 11:00 December 21st-January 6 th Christmas Break January 7th Return to School
Photo Gallery Our day is very busy…… Reading Writing Being Creative Sharing Counting Money Making Friends
Towers of Science Fun
Day 1Music & Library Day 2Mandarin & PE IT (computer) Day 3Art Day 4Mandarin & PE Day 5 Music Day 6Mandarin & PE Day 7Music & Art Day 8Mandarin, PE & Library Day 9 IT (computer) Day 9 IT (computer) & Guidance Day 10Mandarin, PE & Computers December Mrs. Wiltse’s Class Special/Monthly Schedule 3 Day 8 4 Day 9 5 Day 10 6 Day 1 7 Day 2 10 Day 3 11 Day 4 12 Day 5 13 Day 6 14 Day 7 17 Day 8 18 Day 9 19 Day 10 20Assembly9:10 Early Release at 11:00 21