Scientific Process How science works!! Long ago, in a classroom not too far away. A group of fourth graders attempted to master the scientific process. To understand it better they viewed an informational PowerPoint. This was their PowerPoint.
Observation Use your 5 senses –Smell –Taste –Touch –Hear –See Classify information
Hypothesis Educated guess Inference on what you think the results of your experiment will be. Click here for movieClick here for movie
Experiment An experiment is performing tests to answer the problem. Watch this sample experiment on weather. Click here for movieClick here for movie
Collect and record data Make sure to use standard units of measurement. Length, width, height, volume, weight, and mass are all different types of measurement. What are examples of these measurements?
Here are some videos on measuring Easy weight loss system!!!Tips on measuring.
Come to a conclusion Looking back at your data, make a statement that answers the original question. Make sure to comment on your hypothesis, but your conclusion is not based solely on your hypothesis.
Review of 5 major steps Observe Hypothesize Experiment Collect and record data Come to a conclusion
The end!