Job definition match. Person who reports news on TV, radio or newspaper. journalist.


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Presentation transcript:

Job definition match

Person who reports news on TV, radio or newspaper. journalist

He/she works in a school and teaches students. teacher

He/she works in a police station and maintains public security. police officer

He/she works in a bank and keeps records of money. accountant

Person who does business. business person

He/she works in a hospital and treats patients. doctor

He/she works in hospital and helps doctors. nurse

He/she flies an airplane. pilot

He/she drives a taxi. taxi driver

Person who drives a bus. bus driver

Person who manages the affairs of a company or business. manager

Person who does the cooking in a restaurant or hotel. chef

A man who acts in a movie. actor

A woman who plays a role in a movie. actress

Person who rescues people from burning buildings and helps put out fires. firefighter

He takes people’s orders in a restaurant and serves them food. waiter

He/she defends people’s rights in court. lawyer

He/she answers phone calls and does office work for his /her boss. secretary

I work with balls and plates. juggler

She takes people’s orders in a restaurant and serves them food. waitress

I make people laugh. comedian

I’m an actor, but I don’t speak. mime artist

I play in a band. musician

My pictures disappear when it rains. pavement artist

Have you got a problem in your bathroom? Just call me! plumber

A person who creates drawings, paintings, or other works of art. artist

A person who travels into space. astronaut

A scientist who studies planets, asteroids, stars, galaxies, and other objects in the universe. astronomer

A person who is very good at sports. athlete

A person who makes bread, cakes, pies, cookies, and other foods like those. baker

A person who dresses up in funny clothes to make other people laugh. clown

A person who helps other people get well when they are sick. doctor

A person who travels to places where no one else has been. explorer

A person who puts out fires and rescues people. fireman

A person who creates new things that people find useful. inventor

A person who cares for books and other materials in a library, and who helps people find them. librarian

A person who creates music. musician

A scientist who studies the weather. meteorologist

A person who cares for sick people and helps them get better. nurse

A scientist who studies fossils (like dinosaur bones). paleontologist

People who help enforce the laws. police officer

A person who is the elected leader of a country or organization. politician

A person who helps other people learn things. teacher

A person who helps sick animals get better. vet

A scientist who studies animals. zoologist

Marga Renedo Gómez