Who we are and where we come from?
Foundation Archimedes Founded by government (Ministry of Education and Science) Coordination and implementation of training, education and research programmes Celebrating 15 th anniversary this summer National Contact Point Organisation for EU Seventh Research Framework Programme Coordinator of COST (European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research) in Estonia Helpdesk for the Estonian Research Information System Bridgehead organisation of EURAXESS services Implementing Agency of Structural Support for the period R&D Implementing body of EU Lifelong Learning Programme Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency the Academic Recognition Information Centre (Estonian ENIC/NARIC) scholarship schemes for improving mobility, quality enhancement of the HE programmes, supporting development of educational sciences and marketing Estonian higher education and research abroad Education Implementing body for EU Youth in Action Organising research contests for students Coordinating the activities of Young Scientists’ Association Youth
Teretulemast head kolleegid! Implementing Agency of Structural Support for the period in the field of R&D
Accredited as an implementing agency for the programming period of The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF) are structural funds. Implementing Agency of Structural Support In Estonia we have three Operational Programmes (OPs) Our agency is implementing structural funds through Operational Programme for Human Resource Development and Operational Programme for the Development of Economic Environment The main tasks of the Structural Support Unit are to assess project applications in the area of R&D, to consult applicants, to make outpayments and check the eligibility of costs
Responsibilty for the activities of the Structural Support Unit (SSU) lies with the member of the board of the Archimedes Foundation In the bureaus are working coordinators. Coordinators are consulting applicants. Coordinators are following how the programmes and projects are reaching their coals. Structural Support Unit and the role in Archimedes foundation ? There are 2 bureaus in SSU. Bureau of R&D Human Resource Development mediates activities supported by ESF and Bureau of R&D Economic Environment Development mediates activities supported by ERF. Payment Specialists are checking that all costs are in accordance with the EU and Estonian legislation and documentation. SSU is the 2nd level intermediate body of the structural support so the separation of the duties between applicants inside the Foundation has to be followed. Supervisory Officer makes sure whether the activies of applicants are correct. Lawyer of SSU verifies the correctness of the documentation and settlements of SSU and participates in the development of legislation. SSU is headed by Head. SSU costs are covered by horizontal technical aid of EU. For the eligibility of costs of SSU stands by our Accountant. Our Assistant provides information about SSU and helps us with our activities.
The Bureau of R&D Human Resource Development has implemented 5 open calls through which ,03 euros are mediated to the projects. There are 9 state programmes coordinated in the amount of ,21 euros. All in all, more than 24 thousand people have participated in different activities, among them are lecturers, Masters, doctoral students, foreign lecturers and other people who are involved in the R&D area. Structural Support Unit in numbers The Bureau of R&D Economic Environment Development has implemented 21 open calls (3 of them in process) through which 133 million euros are mediated to the projects. There are 5 state programmes coordinated in the amount of 32 million euros. All in all, there are 4 buldings already built or renovated, 14 university or research institution buildings are still under construction, the budget for this activity is 115 million euros. 9 objects of R&D infrastructure of state level importancy are financed in the amount of euros.