NORTH WEST FORUM Regional Meeting: 9 th December 2008 Regional & National Round Up
NORTH WEST FORUM Update National Round up Local research round up Ideas for future meetings
NORTH WEST FORUM National Round Up The National Conference – success!! 2009 Conference Changes to the website The OCTET trial Elections – 2009 CPD proposals NFAO Financial position
NORTH WEST FORUM The National Conference 08 Well attended Programme ranging from benchmarking service to assisting users with dietary management Presentation from Manchester AOT on CBT approaches Funded places from CSIP for the North West NFAO Conference 2008
NORTH WEST FORUM The National Conference 09 Date for your diary – 6 th & 7 th July 2009 University of Hertfordshire Largest gathering of AO clinicians in the UK Deadline for papers has passed (1 st Nov 08) You can still nominate yourself / your team for poster presentations So far, the quality of workshop submissions have been good quality watch this space!!
NORTH WEST FORUM Sponsorship A recently debated issue at the national steering group on drug company sponsorship, following a proposal from the ‘No Free Lunch’ campaign The majority of the voting members have agreed to allow drug company sponsorship and will always canvass opinion at the national conference – of which the majority have always agreed on this issue NFAO is a mutually trading organisation and sponsorship has allowed NW regional events to take place in it’s current form and is non promotional, it also allows funds to be directed to the conference and other activities Regional CSIPs have also provided some financial support, but this is limited
NORTH WEST FORUM Website changes
NORTH WEST FORUM Details of regional events and past presentations
NORTH WEST FORUM Conference Information details
NORTH WEST FORUM The NFAO briefing note on decommissioning AOTs into an integrated CMHT function
NORTH WEST FORUM Elections Elections take place every 2 years for a regional representative Papers will be issued in 2009 Anyone working in or interested in AO can apply for election Election results are announced at the annual conference The commitment is to organise regional events, maintain a local membership list, attend national meetings (4 times a year in London and Birmingham presently) and the national conference
NORTH WEST FORUM Financial Position & Future Developments Total cash assets - £33, Conference ?Looking into the development of a NFAO Demonstration Teams Initiative ?Future website development Current Perspectives in AO book – endorsed by the NFAO
NORTH WEST FORUM Local Publications
NORTH WEST FORUM Celebrating Local Successes Let me know of any other local publications or local initiatives to get a mention at regional event
NORTH WEST FORUM Assertive Outreach – Current Perspectives Publication commissioned by John Wiley / Blackwell Science A showcase of current perspectives and practices We require user, carer and clinical perspectives Contributors will receive a free copy of the book and full chapter contributions receive an honorarium Consent forms will be provided to contributors to provide permission to use narratives At this stage, small team case studies and user / carer narratives are required
NORTH WEST FORUM Assertive Outreach – Current Perspectives Fidelity & Flexibility Team working The role of the 3 rd sector CBT Dual Diagnosis Bed Management Engagement and Recovery Social Inclusion Targets, performance indicators Diversity Ethics
NORTH WEST FORUM Assertive Outreach – Current Perspectives If you are interested, please contact:
NORTH WEST FORUM Local update What’s going on where you are? 10 minutes as a team just to jot down developments / news to share with the meeting membership Themes fed back to national steering group, which allows us to feed back to consultations / national updates (eg. DH)