Greenhouse Site Selection & Regulations
Necessary Resources Soil & Water Conservation District Accountant Lawyer Insurance Agent or Broker Environmental Consultant
LOCATION Size of the area Potential Expansion Accessible shipping retail (parking) CUSTOMERS $$$ Higher-end districts
LOCATION Water Public or Private (well or pond) Quantity Size of the operation Crop being grown g/1000ft 2 growing space Quality pH Alkalinity Soluble Salts
LOCATION Soils & Land Soil map best use Level Drainage Flooding Building Orientation Septic System
LOCATION Energy Source Natural gas Propane Oil Coal Electric Auxiliary generator
LOCATION Other Considerations (continued) Environmental Considerations Farmland Protection Pesticide Tolerance Water Quality Cost Taxes Phone
LOCATION Zoning Each town has their own zoning laws visit the town clerk Land must be zoned agriculture Meet with the Building Inspector Must acquire a building permit building plan survey