Houston needs a plan: a gift to future generations
Citizens’ Vision We, the Citizens of Houston, envision a diverse city of opportunity where we live in harmony in a healthy environment with choices for home, work, and play in safe and beautiful neighborhoods with self- determination in a vibrant, internationally recognized center of artistic and cultural excellence.
Houston needs a plan: a gift to future generations Guiding Principles Sustainable Economy Diverse Community Healthy Environment Balanced Transportation & Land use Safe, Beautiful Neighborhoods Efficient Accountable Government Vibrant International Arts & Culture
Houston needs a plan: a gift to future generations What if...? What if every planning process and every project in the City of Houston started with a shared Vision & Guiding Principles... no matter who, what, or where?
Houston needs a plan: a gift to future generations May Citizens’ Congress II
Houston needs a plan: a gift to future generations Mayor Lee P. Brown Blueprint Houston Founded 2002 Citizens Congress I developed 2003 Citizens Vision, Values, Goals Blueprint Houston History
Houston needs a plan: a gift to future generations Mayor Bill White Compendium of Plans Citywide & Regional & 23 Subarea Plans Envision Houston 2005 Citizens Congress II 2006 General Plan Committee Report 2007 General Plan Website 2008 My City 2009 Mobility Plan 2009 Citizens Congress III 2009-Oct 3rd Blueprint Houston History
Houston needs a plan: a gift to future generations
General Plan Website-My City 2040 Regional Transportation Plan METRO Rail HGAC Sub-regional Plans HGAC Livable Centers Management District Plans TIRZ Plans Current Activities
Houston needs a plan: a gift to future generations Monitor & Evaluate Metrics Review & Revise Ordinances Develop Policy Framework & Metrics Adoption of Vision & Guiding Principles Next Steps
Houston needs a plan: a gift to future generations
What if...? What if every planning process and every project in the Texas Triangle started with a shared Vision and Guiding Principles... no matter who, what, or where?
Houston needs a plan: a gift to future generations Next Steps-Who? Stakeholders Residents Property Owners Business Owners Service & Infrastructure Providers Statewide Agencies Economic Development Corporations MPO’s Cities Counties For Profit and Non-Profit Organizations
Houston needs a plan: a gift to future generations Annual Texas Triangle Summit What if we met every year asked 3 questions: Where are we? Where are we going? How will we get there?
Houston needs a plan: a gift to future generations Next Steps-What? Where are we going? Shared Vision & Guiding Principles Where are we now? Review of Past Work Review of Existing Projects How do we get there? Identification of Work Program Memoranda of Understanding Annual Stakeholder Status Report
Houston needs a plan: a gift to future generations