The Ink- Keepers Apprentice Growing Up Theme 3, Checking Progress, Day 1 Taught By: Mrs. Williams
Theme Wrap Up: Growing Up Comprehension Skill: Comparing Literature Why do you think this theme is called Growing Up? Which character do you think undergoes the most positive change in this theme? Why? How might the selections this week be similar to the other selections in this theme? How might they be different?
n. A person who is learning a job from an older, more experienced person. In the past, many young people learned a trade by becoming an apprentice, rather than by going to school.
n. The tip of an ink pen. The artist dipped the nib of his pen in the ink and began to draw.
n. Something that makes a disappointed person feel better. We lost the baseball game, but our consolation was pizza and ice cream.
adv. Nervously. Timidly, the child reached out and touched the horse's nose.
n. A part of a painting in which the light is brightest and most intense. The painter used whites and yellows to create the highlights in his painting.
can solve problems on his own.
Hunter is willing to help Landon get a present.
Jerry Pinkney
n. Something that has an effect on a person. Books we read as children often have a great influence on us.
n. A sworn statement. The policeman gave his testimony in court.
n. Something that helps launch ideas. Donald's experiences as an athlete became a springboard for his latest idea for a book.
n. Dedication. Sheila showed her commitment to music by practicing the piano every day.
n. General attitude. The teacher encouraged her students to be creative, and in this climate many of them wrote interesting stories or drew beautiful pictures.