1DEN/DSOE Romania september 2006 HOTLABSSA “The EU 6 th FP Support Specific Action HOTLABSSA: a new step towards an European Network on Hot Laboratories” D. Gavillet, W. Goll, M. Parvan, L. Sannen, C. Verdeau
2DEN/DSOE Romania september 2006 Introduction: The general objectives are : - to reinforce European experimental capabilities for testing material and fuel by building a durable cooperation between European hot laboratories and a network for sharing facilities, - to assess their research capacity and their aptitude for supporting nuclear industrial and research community both at present and in the future.
3DEN/DSOE Romania september 2006 Towards such integration => First step (FP6): HOTLAB CA: ended June 30, 2005 with 19 partners => Second step (FP7): HOTLABINST Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives (I 3) (European HOT LABoratories INtegration STrategy)
4DEN/DSOE Romania september 2006 However considering that : - a close following-on project should be launched in order not to loose the momentum created by the HOTLAB CA project, - the opportunity of the Support Specific Action Call FP6 – NUCHORIZ in April 2006, - a formal framework is essential to maintain the present exchange/information spirit to further elaborate the future deepening of the cooperation HOTLABSSA running on 12 months was proposed on April 11, 2006
5DEN/DSOE Romania september 2006 For building the HOTLABSSA proposal: - As the delay was very short (from February 1 to April 11, 2006), - As the duration of this kind of FP tool is very limited (only 12 months), Only 5 partners were involved
6DEN/DSOE Romania september European countries involved FRANCE SWIZERLAND BELGIUM GERMANY ROMANIA
7DEN/DSOE Romania september SCK/Belgium as last HOTLAB CA coordinator, WP1 leader and because the website is hosted by - AREVA NP GmbH/Germany because of their high interest in inter- laboratory tests comparison, personnel exchanges & as WP2 leader in the last HOTLAB CA, - PSI/Switzerland because of their high interest in European Hot laboratories integration as demonstrated by their active contribution towards the former HOTLAB CA and their strong interest in personnel exchange, an important issue to realise further on this integration, - RAAN-SCN/Romania as hosting the HOTLAB 2007 yearly conference. It will be a good opportunity to couple this conference with the Topical Information Meeting for preparing the HOTLABINST I3 project proposition, - CEA/France because of their high interest in European platform integration, as former HOTLAB WP3 leader, and their proposal to assume the SSA coordination.
8DEN/DSOE Romania september 2006 HOTLAB SSA Project objectives: => 4 Work Packages 1) Website upgrading 2) I 3 Inter laboratory test preparation phase 3) I 3 personnel exchange preparation phase 4) Preparation of the FP7 HOTLABINST I3 project proposal
9DEN/DSOE Romania september 2006 WP1 : Internet web portal upgrading The home page accessible to general public will be completed by a link to a general description for non specialist people “What’s a hot lab? What it is used for? How to be protected from radiation? What is the final destination of nuclear wastes ?” a link to a part of the site where the website visitor’s impressions will be collected a more user friendly home page format with published information about important events
10DEN/DSOE Romania september 2006 WP2: I3 HOTLAB tests preparation phase Objectives - To list all inter-laboratory test comparisons (round robins) we could carry out within the future HOTLABINST I3 Project in FP7 : - on non irradiated materials - on irradiated materials (for instance EPMA) - To choose one of them in the list on non irradiated materials and to launch the procedure for its practical realization (technological, legal and transport aspects). It will aim at improving the validation test methodologies applied hence improving the quality, The main goal will be to ensure and improve the quality of existing experimental methods on selected topics to be determined according to the current needs.
11DEN/DSOE Romania september 2006 WP3: I3 exchange of personnel prep. phase Objectives - To list all potential themes of collaboration where personnel exchanges between different hot laboratories involved in future HOTLABINST I3 project could be implemented, - To launch the procedure for practical realization of one of them (technological, legal aspects) for instance SCK and CEA are very interested by toughness testing: CT or PCCv on miniature specimen. The ultimate objective is to provide a practical means for education and training of hot laboratories personnel by sharing experience on common infrastructure matters and specific analytical tools. Exchange of personnel for education and training purposes will provide the basis for skill enhancement and skill conservation, promoting and enabling harmonisation and future integration of existing facilities.
12DEN/DSOE Romania september 2006 WP4: preparation and finalization of I3 FWP7 HOTLABINST project proposal Objectives - to organize some intermediate meetings with SSA partners in order to precise I3 objectives (network activities, joint research activities, transnational access..) and build a first FP7- HOTLABINST project proposal, - to organize a Topical Information Meeting in parallel of the yearly conference “Hot laboratories and remote handling” planned to be held in Romania in 2007 and opened to all potential hot laboratories partners (HOTLAB CA + VTT in Finland, Studsvik in Sweden, AMI Chinon in France, COGEMA lab. in Marcoule, etc). It seems to be a good way to increase participation of eastern countries such as Russia, Hungary, as already observed these last years.
13DEN/DSOE Romania september 2006 HOTLABSSA 4 work packages 5 countries, 12 months about 350 k€ asked definitive evaluation ? First evaluation 18,5 /25 - threshold 17,5. This present support proposal, aiming at launching an integrated hot laboratories research area, meets the Specific Support Action as defined by the European Commission. It contributes to the implementation of activities in work programme and specially the preparation of future activities.