W ELCOME to Year 5
C URRICULUM O VERVIEW This term we will be learning: English – Narrative: Study of Beowulf/ King Arthur; Non-Fiction: Non Chronological report/ discussion Maths – Place value / Addition & Subtraction / Properties of shape / Multiplication and division / Fractions & Decimals / Measurement Religious Education – Ourselves / Life choices / Hope Science – Earth & Space / Animals including humans Topic – Anglo-Saxons & Scots / Local mapping Computing – Programming Art / DT – Digital media / 3D / Food technology Languages – French Music – Choral singing Physical Education – Swimming / Basketball / Hockey
RED BOOK & SPELLINGS R.E.D = Read Every Day Child’s responsibility to comment every day, with a parent/carers signature and/or comment once a week minutes reading every day and answer ONE question in full sentences Journals collected Tuesday SPELLINGS: Children are given 8 – 12 spellings every Friday LCWC = LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK
H ELPING AT HOME Please find time every evening to spend some quality time together. We appreciate any help that you can provide at home with your child’s practice. We understand that some tasks may be difficult and allow children time during Early Morning activities to ask any questions they need. We would love you to share your stories with your children as it helps them to become creative in class and develops their communication and literacy skills.
H OME P RACTICE MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Hand in Maths & RED journal Maths sent home Spelling due in Hand in Maths Maths sent home Spellings Literacy / RE piece sent home
A TTENDANCE & P UNCTUALITY Please ensure that your child arrives at school before 8:55 as lessons begin at that time. We do allow children to come into the building at 8:45 so that they can prepare themselves for the day. This is also an opportunity for them to discuss any issues they may have with their home practice. If your child is absent at any time, please make sure that you contact the school immediately.
C ONTACT S HEETS / M EDICAL Please make sure that we have your up-to-date contact details as this is very important. Should your details change at any time, please contact Miss Fairman as soon as possible. Also, we need to be aware of any medical issues / conditions that your child has, in case of an emergency. If your child needs to take medication, please hand it in to the office with details of the dosage.
M AKING A PPOINTMENTS We are the first point of contact if you need to talk about your child. We are available every afternoon after school in the playground. Or please feel free to make an appointment via the office to see us at a different time.
H ALF TERMLY NEWSLETTER As you will have seen in your child’s book bag, a newsletter will be sent out half-termly detailing what your child will be learning and any other information that we feel you need to know about Year 5.