Continuing Catholic Education April 3 rd 2011
Judges- Overview Background – After the death of Joshua, settling in the new land Israel conquered. Timing – 1350 BC- 1100BC Purpose – Narrative book about roles of many Judges in the salvation history of Israel Main Themes – Deterioration of Israel’s Relationship with God(1- 3:4 – Deliverance of Israel through Judges(3:5-16:31) – Fallen state of Israel (17-21)
Infidelity of Israel (1-3) The next generation after Joshua, did not know God and turned to ‘Baals’ How did they forget the story? Angel of God rebuking Israel Israel faces defeat by local Kings God’s Anger vs. God’s Mercy They never get it, huh! Who?
Deliverance Through Judges (3-16) Cycles of Infidelity and God’s Mercy – Sin -> Servitude->Supplication- >Salvation->Silence Six Major Judges and Six Minor Judges Deborah – Prophetess – Role of women in our families Gideon – Called by an Angel while working on the winepress Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar,Abimelech, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon Spirit of God was upon the Judges
Samson – The Story
Who is Samson? Samson and the nazirite vow Samson –Sunshine or Sun Samson and Delilah(Night or Darkness) Night eclipsing Sun What happened when Samson broke the vow? – Blinded, Bound and imprisoned Samson’s final sacrifice Samson as a Type for Israel Samson as a Type for me!!
Fallen State of Israel Idolatry (Many Gods) Immorality (Benjamine story) In-fighting with tribes of Israel Lack of Leader (King) Every man did what was right in his own eyes God’s Mercy
Judges and Me Face of a Merciful God Judges tell the story of heroic struggles of Israel in the Promised Land We are also facing many Canaanite Gods in our time – Evil around us To be Judges keeping our own ‘Israel’ safe – Do I value God-given gifts? – My value System