Future Educators Association
Forms & Dues Membership Formand Dues -Fill out and turn forms in to officers, Ms. Carlo, or Mrs. Carlo’s box in the office. -$20 (Cash, or check made out to SBHS) ***You will not be assigned a classroom until form and dues are turned in!
Tutoring -Wear proper attire, don’t use your phone, don’t chew gum bad-> - You are responsible for your transportation TO the elementary school -Sign in at the main office -If you are riding the bus, write your name on the Bus sheet -Sign out at the main office
Belmont Station - Friday Bus leaves at 8:45 Selden’s Landing - Friday Bus leaves at 8:35 Newton Lee – Tuesday Bus leaves at 8:40 Sander’s Corner - Tuesday Bus leaves at 8:45
FEA Conference at NCC in the spring What we love about it: ~Buffet lunch! ~Free stuff-Pens, Bag, Notebook, Badges ~Day off of school ~Fun & interesting sessions
Shadow Day This is a day off of school for you to spend entirely with your assigned teacher to ‘shadow’ them all day You must get a permission slip signed and turned in to participate in this-found on the FEA website When can you do it? You pick a day that works best for you and your assigned teacher.
Fundraisers/Events Selling things during lunch Selling pizza after school Bake sales Parent’s Day Out (on next slide)
Parent’s Day Out Get Volunteer Hours for NHS and FEA! Come babysit kids for a few hours at SBHS -Arts & Crafts -Toys -Snacks -Movies This is our biggest fundraiser so please be a part of it!
Report card must be turned in the first week after each quarter: either at the meeting, to an officer or Ms. Carlo, or to Mrs. Carlo’s box in the office.
FEA is an Honor Society Which means: ~Seniors get a cord for graduation!(: ~All members must hold a GPA of at least 3.5 ~All members must attend at least 60% of all meetings/events ~All members must complete 6 hours of volunteering in their classroom each semester
For information and updates ~Join our Facebook page: SBHS FEA ~Follow us on Twitter: (SBHS FEA
Communication If you do not have a Facebook or Twitter, listen to the announcements, look for posters around the school, or