“The most unhelpful thing you can do is be pro one side; it just adds to the conflict. We have to not only understand those people who are oppressing us, but try to walk in their shoes, and ultimately to really engage with what it means to love our enemies.” Sami Awad, Director, Holy Land Trust
West Bank & Gaza Strip State of Palestine 1988/2012 Recognised by 2/3 of UN Golan Heights Captured from Syria 1967 State of Israel Since 1948
Palestinian (20%) Geographical inhabitants of the area, linguistically and culturally Arab ISLAM Jewish (75%) Biological descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (aka Israel) JUDAISM
“Palestinian” From area in Latin & Greek From Biblical ‘Philistine’ “Jew” From Judah (4 th son of Israel) Tribe of Monarchy Contains letters YHWH
c.2000BCPROMISE - “To your offspring I will give this land." (Gen12:7) c.1400BC SETTLEMENT – 12 tribes, Judges c.1000BCNATION – 1 or 2 nations, Kings 722BC 1. ASSYRIAN Empire – North exiled 586BC 2. BABYLONIAN Empire – South exiled, Temple destroyed 516BC 3. PERISAN Empire – Some exiles return, Temple rebuilt 330BC 4. GREEK Empire – Maccabees (Hasmonean) 63BC 5. ROMAN Empire/BYZANTIUM - AD70 Temple destroyed AD638 CALIPHATES/OTTOMAN Empire ( CRUSADES - Kingdom of Jerusalem) BRITISH MANDATE – until autonomous Historically …
THEOLOGY 1.Israel belongs to the Jews – Chosen people, promised land – God’s promises to Abraham are eternal 2.Israel belongs to the People of God – “Those who have faith are children of Abraham” – Gentiles are grafted in to Israel 3.Israel is a type/shadow – The Old Covenant has been superceded