Autopsy Plan By: Joyce Lee, Samar Hafeez, Neelam Patel, Vanaja
What is autopsy? Examining a deceased body to determine the cause of death Autopsies are usually performed when someone suddenly dies and the cause is unknown Description of body is made and features are identified Two types of autopsies: Forensic Clinical
External Examination Body is sent to medical examiners or hospital in a body bag or evidence sheet Body will be refrigerated if autopsy is not performed immediately New body bag is used for each person Evidence sheets are an alternate way to transport body The sheet covers the body while it is moved Body is being weighed
External Examination Dieners (morgue attendants ) transport the body Seals of the body bag are broken Body is photographed Clues found directly on the body (ex. Hair strands) are collected and examined Body is x-rayed for any internal injuries Body is weighed and measured
External Examination At this time, all the general information of the deceased is gathered: Race Sex Hair colour Eye colour Age Features
Internal Examination of Body First, a Y-incision is made across the chest and down to the belly button Skin and flesh are peeled back with a scalpel Larynx, esophagus, arteries, ligaments, spinal cord, bladder, rectum are examined Each organ is weighed and examined Major blood vessels are also examined
Internal Examination of Brain Examiner makes a cut from one ear to the other across the top of the head Scalp is pulled away from the head The skull is cut with an electric saw Electric Saw
After Autopsy If the body is needed for a funeral, organs are placed back in and the body is sewn up The process takes about 4 hours to complete Autopsy is done if the death is unknown (most homicides) Family must agree to the procedure
Case History Male Age: 60 Caucasian 5’11 ¾ 180 pounds Death: 8/27/2006 6:10am Smoker Likes to party Suddenly fainted at party Went into cardiac arrest
Things to Focus on in this Autopsy Death due to cardiac arrest Possible Contributing Factors to Death: Smoking High blood pressure Other Potential Contributing Factors: Drugs Alcohol Autopsy Plan Follow steps for external and internal examination Heart should be examined closely for abnormalities and evidence of heart attack Coronary arteries should be examined for plaque build-up Blood and urine should be examined for drugs