WERT.  Pilot course Schedule (a total of 24 hours including 12 hours of workshopping)  STUDENTS  The students were recruited with the assistance of.


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Presentation transcript:


 Pilot course Schedule (a total of 24 hours including 12 hours of workshopping)  STUDENTS  The students were recruited with the assistance of the Nekatur Association.  -The working plan was drawn up in conjunction with Nekatur  -The campaign began in November 2011  -Rural establishments received literature in December 2011  -Special literature was prepared  -8 female students expressed interest in taking part  -They had their own businesses  -These businesses belonged to the accommodation sector  -Problems: difficulties in travelling from rural areas to San Sebastián

 -The training was delivered by two female teachers:  -Ainhoa Lizarralde, a specialist in blended marketing  -Bea Barba, a specialist in tourism.  -Total number of hours: approximately 24  -6 consecutive Mondays. Starting date , finishing date  -3 workshops (total number of hours: 12)  -3 hours of distance learning (around 12 hours of personal study)

 Units 1 and 2 were delivered over 2 weeks (Ainhoa)  Week 1: Unit 1 Using marketing to develop your business Unit 2 How to make e-marketing work for you  Week 2: The two units were delivered as one (distance learning). Student input was via general enquiry e- mails and the completion of activities and exercises - Marketing plan - On line strategy

 IDENTIFYING THE NEEDS of women in the rural world  They have little time  They spend a large part of their working day alone  They are the sole decision makers when choosing business strategies  The principal features of the marketing plans presented were as follows:  -They were fairly pessimistic  -They have problems obtaining finance due to the economic crisis and find it difficult to define their position in the market and improve the services they offer.  -They have difficulties in creating working relationships with other businesses in the area.  -They are not familiar with digital technology and some are diffident about learning  -They need to familiarize themselves with the world of Internet as they are unable to promote their business independently. (As bookings are made these days by Internet, this working technology is essential)

ASSESSMENTS OF THE PILOT  Very rewarding; they are grateful to have been able to stop and reflect on the suitability of their strategy.

 A worthwhile experience that could be useful for other sectors; it could be broadened to include other sectors besides rural accommodation.

 UNITS 3, 4 and 5 were delivered over 3 weeks (Bea)  -Week 3: Unit 3 Managing your business finances  -Week 4 Unit 4 How to develop a sustainable rural tourism business  -Week 5 Unit 5 Meeting legal requirements  -UNIT 6 (This workshop was conducted by two teachers)  -Week 6 Unit 6 Business Plan  -Presentation of the business plan  -Assessment

 Student participation depended on their background knowledge of the subject and their specific needs  Students had widely varying levels of background knowledge: some were highly familiar with business strategies and the market and were seeking to improve their management techniques; others had very little knowledge of the business world.

 Seek advice on sources of finance and marketing channels (the small number of students facilitated the examination of case studies and this exercise received a high rating from students).

In some cases:  lack of familiarity with the world of Internet and some even had difficulties in using a computer  lack of systematic monitoring of and subsequent preference for telephone bookings.  absence of price structuring, application of the same rates for the entire year due to lack of familiarity with sector practices  lack of awareness of overheads

DIFICULTIES  Draughting a business plan ASSESSMENT OF THE EXPERIENCE  All the students rated the course very highly and expressed interest in undertaking similar training.

 The course was very useful and the personalized approach was highly appreciated.  The course helped students develop their business  As a result of the course, one student is thinking of creating a new website that will include other businesses in the area and intends to visit other local businesses and present her product  Yes, they would recommend the course  The course was very complete. Many women do not possess this knowledge; it should be compulsory.  The teachers were flexible and accepted our proposal to change the day the course was given and were willing to adapt themselves to the individual needs of each student.

PILOT PROCESS CONCLUSIONS, student assessment  Very positive experience  They were looking for an objective outside view of their business  They were looking for new opportunities  course quality  Materials: very good  Workshops: very good  Tutor suggestions and activities: great  Course organization: very good  Distance learning: very good

 The content was rated as very good (5) and the stories and videos of women entrepreneurs were rated as “very enriching”  The possibility of sharing course classmates’ experiences was also highly rated  They suggested the inclusion of a unit on website design  They considered the blended learning format to be the most suitable  The course was too short and there wasn’t enough time to read all the information  Course times and dates were convenient  The most beneficial aspects of the course  -Marketing (business analysis)  -Finance (information, ratios…)  The least beneficial aspects  -The ones related to the environment