The Planets of the Solar System Information about the Sun, the planets, and the dwarf planets.
Mercury The smallest planet in the solar system Surface temperature can range from –280°F (–171°C) to 800°F (420°C) Makes one complete revolution in 88 Earth days. Distance from the sun (average) 35,900,000 miles (57,800,000 kilometers) Has no satellites Has no rings Closest planet to the sun Named after the messenger of the Roman gods. Has a craggy and mountainous surface.
Venus Third smallest planet in the solar system. Hottest planet, with a steady surface temperature of about 850°F (458°C) One year on Venus lasts approximately Earth days. Has a surface covered in volcanic lava. Has no satellites. Has no rings. Distance from the sun (average) 67,200,000 miles (108,200,000 kilometers) Named after the Roman god of beauty. Sometimes called Earths twin do to their very similar size.
Earth 4 th smallest planet in the solar system Average surface temperature of 14 degrees Celsius Only celestial object that we know of with water As far as were concerned, Earth is the only planet that can support life. The only planet not named after a god. Has 1 satellite, the Moon. Takes about 365 days to make one revolution.
Mars Nicknamed the Red Planet for the color of the surface due to iron in the sand. 2 nd smallest planet of the solar system. Takes days to make one revolution around the sun. There is speculation about life on Mars, but this is impossible. Mars atmosphere is 95.72% carbon dioxide, which is toxic to humans. Mars also has a chilly average surface temperature of 46 °C. Has 2 moons, Phobos and Deimos.
Jupiter The largest planet in our solar system. The first of the gas giants. Takes 4, days to make 1 complete revolution. Has 63 satellites. Named after the chief Roman god. Has a permanent storm on the surface called the Great Red Spot. This spot is larger than Earth. Has 1 small ring.
Saturn 2 nd largest planet in the solar system. We actually dont know exactly how many moons Saturn has, but there are 61 that we know of, with many moonlets in the planets rings. Takes 10, days to make one revolution around the Sun. Named after the Roman god Saturn, father of Jupiter. Has thousands of very famous rings, composed of mostly ice and carbon.
Uranus 3 rd largest planet in the solar system. Unique because its axis is tilted, making the planet seem to lean on its side. Takes 30, days to complete one revolution around the Sun. Could possibly contain water, but it is impossible to live on Uranus do to it being composed of gases. It also contains harsh chemicals such as ammonia. Named after the Greek god of the sky, Ouranos. Has 27 known satellites.
Neptune 4 th largest planet in the solar system. Takes 60,190 days to make one full revolution. Named after the Roman god of the sea. Depending on how you classify Pluto, Neptune can either be the 8 th planet from the sun or the 9 th planet of the Sun do to Plutos elliptical orbit. However, for the purposes of this PowerPoint, Pluto is a dwarf planet. Has a Great Dark Spot similar to Jupiters Great Red Spot.
Ceres The first and smallest of the dwarf planets. Only dwarf planet in the asteroid belt. Average surface temperature of Ceres is unknown do to lack of knowledge about this dwarf planet. As such, I cannot provide a picture for Ceres. Named for the Roman goddess of growing plants and motherly love.
Pluto Once was a planet, however a group of astronomers demoted Pluto to a dwarf planet in Pluto takes 90, days to make one full revolution around the Sun. Like Ceres, a picture is unavailable for Pluto. Pluto has 3 satellites.
Other dwarf planets Haumea Makemake
Credits for pictures and information for pictures and information Grolier Online for information Grolier Online for information Zachary Knecht Zachary Knecht A Mrs. Hill production. A Mrs. Hill production.