Dying Matters – Let’s Talk About It Lesson Plan
What is Dying Matters? The Dying Matters Coalition has been established to help transform public attitudes towards dying, death and bereavement in England. By encouraging people to talk about dying and death with friends, family and loved ones, Dying Matters hopes to make ‘a good death’ the norm for the 500,000 people who die in England each year.
If someone you knew had lost somebody, would you know what to say and how to act?
If you had lost somebody, what would you want people to say to you?
Do you think it is important to discuss dying?
Talking about death is not going to bring it closer – so why is it such a taboo subject?
Should young people be involved in discussions about dying, death and bereavement? e.g. The planning of someone's funeral. Discussing someone's end of life wishes.
To find out more about Dying Matters, visit: The National Council for Palliative Care (NCPC) is the umbrella charity for all those who are involved in providing, commissioning and using palliative care and end of life care services in England, Wales & Northern Ireland. NCPC promotes the extension and improvement of palliative care services for ALL people with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions in all settings. Dying Matters is a coalition to raise public awareness and lessen the taboo around dying. The Coalition’s Mission is “to support changing knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards death, dying and bereavement, and through this to make ‘living and dying well’ the norm. This will involve a fundamental change in society in which dying, death and bereavement will be seen and accepted as the natural part of everybody’s life cycle”. Registered Charity no A company limited by guarantee no Thank you.