Chapel 2014-2015 Flipping through the Bible
Veteran’s Day
Sword Drill! Ephesians 6:17b “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”
Find Psalm 24:10 “Who is this King-Glory? God-of-the-Angel-Armies: he is King-Glory.
Judges The Cycle of Sins
12 Gideon
Joshua Conquers the Promise Land Defeats 31 Kings Divides the Land
Israel did evil – Were Oppressed Asherah poles Alters to Baal Midianites – 7 years
Angel Came to Gideon Warrior Weakest Sign
Gideon begins to cleanse Israel Asherah Pole Alter to Baal New Alter
Gideon asks for Signs Army Dew on Wool Dew on Ground
Gideon and his army 32,000 22A 100S 22,000 Fear 22 A Leave 9,700 knelt Only 300 22A 100S 22 A Leave 97 S Leave Only 3 Remain
It is time!!! Scouts – like locusts and sand Dream – Prophecy Time for Battle
Battle against the Midianites Torches Trumpets Confusion Victory
12 Gideon
Review God Created the World Man Fell in Sin God Flooded the World God Spread the Nations God Made Promises to Abraham God Tested Abraham
Review Page 2 Jacob became Israel Joseph led Israel into Egypt Moses brought Israel out of Egypt Commandments weren’t followed, so they wander Joshua led the armies of Israel Judge Gideon leads the army
Looking Good Lion Pawsitive Note