Old Testament Survey: Genesis-Esther
GOD’S KINGDOM PROGRAM DATETHEMEEVENTREFERENCE BC Kickoff & Rebellion Creation, Fall, Flood Gen 2:4-11:9 ca BCInstrument of Blessing PatriarchsGen 11:10-50:26 ca BCNation Redeemed & Commissioned Exodus, Sinai, Wilderness Exodus- Deuteronomy ca BCGovernment in the Promised Land Conquest & Kingdom (United/Divided Monarch) Joshua-Kings ca BCDispersion & Return Exile & Initial Restoration Daniel-Chronicles ca.4BC-ADOverlap of the Ages Christ’s Work and the Church Age Matthew-Acts ca.AD-EternityMission Accomplished Christ’s Return & Consummation Revelation
Merneptah Stele
The princes are prostrate, saying, "Peace!" Not one is raising his head among the Nine Bows. Now that Tehenu (Libya) has come to ruin, Hatti is pacified; The Canaan has been plundered into every sort of woe: Ashkelon has been overcome; Gezer has been captured; Yano'am is made non-existent. Israel is laid waste and his seed is not; Hurru is become a widow because of Egypt.
Canaanite Genocide “Joshua is a story of the Kingdom of God breaking into the world of nations at a time when national and political entities were viewed as the creation of the gods and living proofs of their power. Thus, the Lord’s triumph over the Canaanites testified to the world that the God of Israel is the one true and living God, whose claim on the world is absolute.” (Wood, A Survey of Israel’s History)
Canaanite Genocide “The battles for Canaan were therefore the Lord’s Holy war, undertaken at a particular time in the program of redemption. God gave his people under Joshua no commission or license to conquer the world with the sword but a particular, limited mission. The conquered land itself would not become Israel’s national possession by right of conquest, but it belonged to the Lord. So the land had to be cleansed of all remnants of paganism.” (Lewis)