1. Get Out of Slavery (Travel the world)
Facebook has created what’s called FB Vacation envy. Jealousy is created by seeing others post vacation pictures.
Before the internet, I would get envious at conferences. Now, all I need to do is look on the internet at the success of churches.
For all of us, as leaders, we would like to move our churches off dead center and travel the world. We would love to move them out of Jerusalem and into Judea, Samaria and the uttermost.
Leaving Egypt was a great announcement. Leaving Egypt provided hope and promise.
2. Survive the Desert (Ride the Bull)
When God led the children out of slavery towards the Promised Land, He led them South not North.
The path of Renovation will not be the predictable way – after all, what we lost, dependence upon God, is what must be restored.
Desert lessons:
1) It takes tight spaces to rid us of long standing habits.
2) Being hemmed in forces us to look up.
3) If He is to get the glory, He must fight the battles.
When I panic I run, when I run I lose, when I lose He waits, when He waits I trust, when I trust He fights, when He fights He wins, when He wins I win, When I win I learn – I learn to worship!!!
Trust the Egyptians – it will kill you to not worship God.
4) Red Seas open and close as He commands and not until.
3. Eat Manna (Eat new things/Try new things)
Lesson: When You Desire Instant Gratification over Character Cultivation, Disaster Awaits.
Live by Provision or die by the Plague. – Numbers 14:36-37
Notice: This effected an entire generation! Numbers 14:33
Four Faith Fixers:
1) Focus on the Objective, not the obstacles.
2) Refuse To Compare.
3) Trust Revelation Over Emotion. Proverbs 3:5,6
4) Choose Character Over Comfort.
4. Do Life With Great Friends Caleb and Joshua
Caleb had a Trust in God. God had a Trust in Caleb.
That’s called a Relationship.
John 2:23-25 Exodus 32:29
Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him and He will do this: Psalm 37:5
The Bible repeats the same message about Caleb… “he followed the Lord faithfully.”
Numbers 13:30-33
Caleb was not fickle he was faithful.
Fickle = Changing devotion through changing circumstances
Faithful = Long obedience in the same direction regardless of circumstances.
5. Enjoy Ministry With Your family “As for me and my house”
Numbers 1-10: A New Organization
How would they conquer their Promised Land? Numbers 1:2-3, God grouped them by family.
Unlike other nations, the nation of Israel, with God as Priority One, would conquer their Promised Land as a nation of families.
Review the Ten Commandments. These were marching orders.
6. See Tomorrow Today - Know that I am leaving a Legacy-
Exodus 23:20-23,27-28
I Will…
God will provide - Direction - Health - Strength - Life - Victory - Power
But You Must… Exodus 23:24-25, 32-33
Remain Faithful
Remove Idols
God is saying, “I want you to be distinctly mine”
Trust God Completely
Focus on the object of your worship not the obstacles to worship.
Do what is courageous. Don’t expect automatic.
Make No Covenant with Anything or Anyone.
7. Climb that Mountain -Pastor the church of your calling-
God specializes in the impossible. - A sling and a pebble to fell a giant - A talking donkey to correct a wayward prophet men to slay an army of 120,000
God unveiled a plan to accomplish the impossible with the unthinkable! - Shouts instead of swords - Trumpets instead of ladders - Marching instead of charging
What Walls Intimidate You?
What to do when facing a big wall:
First, the battle is not difficult because of size or circumstance – it’s difficult because it feels impossible!
Second, the plan we are to follow is not a struggle because it is complicated or confusing –it’s a struggle because it seems strange!
Third, the victory is not accomplished because of smarts or strength – It’s accomplished because it is of God!
Joshua took off his sandals to surrender to the One in charge.
The Pressures off – The Battle is the Lord’s.
Zechariah 4:6
God uses the unusual to do the impossible. Why?
So our faith might shift from the horizontal to the vertical!