Step By Step: Old Testament Lesson 1: Palestine Rev. Christopher J. Respass Antioch Bible Institute Fall 2012
Palestine: The Land A.“Palestine” is the Greek form of “Philistine.” An older name for Palestine is “Canaan”— named after the son of Ham and grandson of Noah (See, Gen. 9:19-25). A Note about the “Curse of Ham”
Palestine: The Land B.Land Size Palestine is about the size of the State of Vermont. It’s length is 145 miles from North to South and its width ranges from miles. The climate is subtropical. It rains in the winter and the spring (hence the early and latter rains), but rarely if ever in the summer. (see, Deut. 11:13-14).
Vermont & Israel
Palestine: The Land C.Natural Divisions & Boundaries The Mediterranean Sea is the western boundary and the Mountains of Lebanon to the North. Historically, the eastern boundary of Palestine was the Arabian Desert, while the Negeb (Negev) Desert is to the south.
Palestine: The Land D.Key Land Divisions 1.Sea of Galilee 2. Jordan River 3. Dead Sea 4. Samaria 5. Costal Plains 6. Central Hill Country 7. Trans-Jordan
Mediterranean Sea
Mediterranean Sea near Haifa
Mediterranean Sea From Sharon
Sea of Galilee
Jordan River
Dead Sea
Key Peoples & Major Enemies A. Palestine is a land bridge between Europe, Asia and Africa. It has always been a source of contention because of its strategic location.
Key Peoples & Major Enemies B.Major Enemies 1. Egypt: wanted Palestine as a buffer to protect it from its enemies to the north. 2. Syria: Just north of Palestine and a perpetual nuisance
Key Peoples & Major Enemies 3.Assyria: located between the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers, its capital was Nineveh. Assyria conquered the northern kingdom of Israel. 4.Babylon Also known as Chaldea, it lay at the mouth of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Babylon conquered the southern kingdom of Judah.
Key Peoples & Major Enemies C.Key Peoples 1. Edomites: Descendants of Esau, Jacob’s brother. They were located South of Palestine. 2. Moabites: Lot’s descendents who lived east of the Jordan River in the high country.
Key Peoples & Major Enemies 3. Ammonites: Lot’s descendents who lived north of Moab. 4. Philistines:Sea traders who lived in the SW part of Palestine. The most notable Philistine was Goliath. 5. Phoenicians: Lived on the Northern coast of the Mediterranean sea. They were traders of purple. Their key cities are Tyre and Sidon.
Old Testament Facts The Old Testament was written over a period of 1000 years. The English Old Testament is divided into 5 divisions: 1. Law 2. History 3. Wisdom 4. Major Prophets 5. Minor Prophets
Old Testament Facts 1. Law: records events leading up to and surrounding the giving of the law. 2. History: records the entrance to the promised land, through the exile to the rebuilding of the Temple. 3. Wisdom: Mostly comprised of poetry and address practical living
Old Testament Facts 1. Major Prophets: Called “major” because they are longer, not because they are more important. 2. Minor Prophets: Shorter than the major prophets. Also know as the Book of the Twelve.
Old Testament Facts The Hebrew OT is divided into 3 divisions 1. Torah (Law) 2. Prophets (Former & Later) Former: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings Later: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Book of the Twelve. 3. The Writings
Old Testament Facts Memorize all the books of the Old Testament in order. Use this formula