Isaiah – Who was he? 66 chapters Ch actually written by Isaiah Son of Amoz Lived 742 B.C.E. – 700 B.C.E. Experienced vision in the temple Theses: Repentance and Renewal
Latter Chapters Chapter anonymous author Written during Babylonian exile 55-66, picks up upon theme of renewal
State of Israel Compares to rest of nature Something gone wrong with humanity Allusions to Genesis? Imagery of sickness Assyrian invasion: physical manifestation of sin
Seeing the Throne of God Throne of God surrounded by Seraphs Gap between humanity and God Isaiah not worthy Purified
Rely on God, Not Worldly Powers Aware Assyria going to attack Pact with Egypt Trust in God instead Egypt backstabs Israel King of Judah surrenders to Assyrian king
Suffering Servant Not typical depiction of a saviour Many Jews overlooked passage Became central focus in New Testament
Ezekiel – Who was he? Priest Living during Babylonian exile Intense personality Religious Regulations 48 Chapters Warning – Despair - Renewal
Opening Ezekiel’s Vision Creatures? Cherbuin Angels? Glory of God
Return After Captivity God will return the promise land Heart of Stone Heart of Flesh
Everlasting Covenant What about Previous covenants? People kept turning away in sin Ultimate covenant that removes all guilt and shame
Valley of the Dead All those who have died (Cut off from God and life) God will give new life Eternal life Foreshadowing of Christ, and ultimatly, all of our fates
Daniel – Who was he? Contemporary of Ezekiel Carried off to Babylon Advisor in the royal court Called Daniel, because it is about Daniel, not written by Daniel though
Structure Introduction 2 main parts Daniel’s life in Babylonian politics Daniel’s prophetic visions
Life in the Babylonian Royal Court Refuses to eat unholy food Interprets dreams Refuses to worship false idols Burning furnance Not afraid to speak his mind Feast of Belshazzar Lion’s Den
Daniel’s Visions Chapter 7 Four beasts Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome 7:7 the fourth and worst beast God’s kingdom established
Vision in Daniel 8 Ram and Goat charging Interpreted by Gabriel Greece and Persia From Greece, will come a great ruler Alexander the Great?
Apocalyptic Literature Eschatology Increasing corruption Resurrection of the dead St. Michael, defender of Israel Need to purify ourselves 12:13 – not everyone will turn to God