Where is Vietnam?
Why Did the United States Fight a War in Vietnam? To stop the spread of world Communism.To stop the spread of world Communism. It’s part of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and United States after WWII.It’s part of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and United States after WWII. The French were defeated by Vietnam in the 1950s. America began its war in the 1960s.The French were defeated by Vietnam in the 1950s. America began its war in the 1960s.
Longest and Most Unpopular War The Vietnam War was the longest and most unpopular war in American history.The Vietnam War was the longest and most unpopular war in American history. –58,000 Americans lost their lives. The oldest was 62 years old; the youngest, 16.The oldest was 62 years old; the youngest, % were 21 or younger.61% were 21 or younger. –304,000 were wounded. –75,000 were severely disabled. –The United States spent over $200 billion dollars on the war.
The Domino Theory This theory stated, “If South Vietnam falls to the Communist, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, India and Pakistan would also fall like dominos. The Pacific Islands and even Australia could be at risk”.This theory stated, “If South Vietnam falls to the Communist, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, India and Pakistan would also fall like dominos. The Pacific Islands and even Australia could be at risk”. If one country becomes communist, all nearby countries will follow.If one country becomes communist, all nearby countries will follow.
Vietnamese in the War “Viet Cong” – the communist army of North Vietnam. They believed they were fighting against American invaders.“Viet Cong” – the communist army of North Vietnam. They believed they were fighting against American invaders. South Vietnam— Fighting against the North Vietnamese communists with U.S. helpSouth Vietnam— Fighting against the North Vietnamese communists with U.S. help
Kennedy’s War Gave “advisers,” guns, and money to South Vietnam. Kept U.S. soldiers out.Gave “advisers,” guns, and money to South Vietnam. Kept U.S. soldiers out.
Attack on American Ships In August 1964, North Vietnam launched an attack against the C. Turner Joy and the U.S.S. Maddox, two American ships on call in the Gulf of Tonkin.In August 1964, North Vietnam launched an attack against the C. Turner Joy and the U.S.S. Maddox, two American ships on call in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Bombing, helicopters, patrols
Helicopters Of all aircraft, the helicopter was the most useful, dropping platoons in the jungle clearings and out again. They were excellent air ambulances.Of all aircraft, the helicopter was the most useful, dropping platoons in the jungle clearings and out again. They were excellent air ambulances.
How did the North Vietnamese Fight Back Against the U.S. Invaders? Guerrilla tactics—attack and then disappear into the jungle.Guerrilla tactics—attack and then disappear into the jungle. Give help to villagers, turning them against the U.S.Give help to villagers, turning them against the U.S.
North Vietnamese Tactics Their weapons were cheap and reliable.Their weapons were cheap and reliable. –Deadly booby traps.
Tunnel Complexes The Vietnamese built large tunnel complexes. This protected them from the bombing raids by the Americans and gave them cover for attacking the invaders.The Vietnamese built large tunnel complexes. This protected them from the bombing raids by the Americans and gave them cover for attacking the invaders.
Search & Destroy Tactics The United States countered with “Search and Destroy” tactics. Troops checked for weapons. If they found them, they rounded up the villagers and burned the villages down.The United States countered with “Search and Destroy” tactics. Troops checked for weapons. If they found them, they rounded up the villagers and burned the villages down. –As one marine said – “If they weren’t Vietcong before we got there, they sure [...] were by the time we left”.
The My Lai Massacre Hushed up at the time and only discovered by a tenacious journalist, this involved the killing of approximately 400 men, women and children by US troops.Hushed up at the time and only discovered by a tenacious journalist, this involved the killing of approximately 400 men, women and children by US troops.
The War in America Since there were not enough volunteers to continue to fight a protracted war, the government instituted a draft.Since there were not enough volunteers to continue to fight a protracted war, the government instituted a draft.
Anti-War Protests Protests erupted on college campuses and in major cities at first, but by 1968 every corner of the country seemed to have felt the war's impact.Protests erupted on college campuses and in major cities at first, but by 1968 every corner of the country seemed to have felt the war's impact.
Kent State At Kent State in Ohio, four students were killed by National Guardsmen who were called out to preserve order on campus after days of anti-Nixon protest.At Kent State in Ohio, four students were killed by National Guardsmen who were called out to preserve order on campus after days of anti-Nixon protest.
Why Did the United States Lose the Vietnam War?
Sources Battlefield Vietnam: A Brief History Vietnam: A Brief History Vietnam Revision Guide Revision Guide