Teaching with Complexity. Cognitive Demand The kind and level of thinking required of students to successfully engage with and solve a task Ways in which.


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Teaching with Complexity

Cognitive Demand The kind and level of thinking required of students to successfully engage with and solve a task Ways in which students interact with content

Cognitive Complexity in Math Low Complexity Relies heavily on recall and recognition of previously learned concepts. Test items typically specify what the student is to do, which often is to carry out some procedure that can be performed mechanically. It is not left to the student to come up with an original method of solution.

Cognitive Complexity in Math Moderate Complexity Involve more flexible htinking than low complexity test items do. Requires a response that goes beyond the habitual, is not specified, and ordinarily involves more than a single step or thought process. Requires students to decide what to do using informal methods of reasoning and problem-solving strategiesand to bring together skill and knowledge from various domains.

Cognitive Complexity in Math High Complexity Makes heavy demand on student thinking. Engages students in abstract reasoning, planning, analysis, judgment, and creative thought. Requires students to think in an abstract and sophisticated way, often involving multiple steps.

Percentage of Points by Cognitive Complexity Level for FCAT Math Low DOK GradesLow Level Moderate Level High Level Algebra I EOC Geometry EOC

Questions to think about... Low DOK If 10-20% of the questions on FCAT are low Level of Complexity...How much class time would we devote to Level 1 thinking? If 80% of the question on FCAT (and in life) require Moderate to High levels of Complexity....What are we doing to promote these complex levels of higher order thinking?

Complexity and Instruction The 5 E Model Engage. Explore. Explain. Elaborate. Evaluate.

Depth of Knowledge/Level of Cognitive Complexity on the FCAT

Depth of Knowledge/Level of Cognitive Complexity on the FCAT

Depth of Knowledge/Level of Cognitive Complexity on the FCAT

How complex are the items on your tests? Low DOK

Revise your text to make the questions more complex. Low DOK