/ 271 Class 1, Atatürk University Medical Faculty Time Management Zekeriya Aktürk, Prof. Dr.
/ 272
Aim – Objectives At the end of this lecture the participants are expected to have information about effective time management principles. Objectives –Mention at least 10 principles of effective time management –Describe the SMART acronym for setting goals –Explain the importance – urgency matrix –Defend the importance of spending time in planning / 273
1. Be aware of the importance of time / 274
2. Begin with the end in mind Imagine your funeral and listen to what you would like the Imam to say about you. This should reveal exactly what matters most to you in your life. Use this frame of reference to make all your day-to-day decisions so that you are working toward your most meaningful life goals. / 275
3. Set clear goals Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time limited / 276
How many number of goals? Maximum 5-6 projects (goals) at a time Each goal demands different tasks to be done / 277
4. Use a “to do” list / 278
5. Do not use little pieces of paper / 279
Use a diary showing the full week / 2710
6. Put your to do list on the right place Your study desk Fridge Toilet door Cover of your book Outlook PDA … / 2711
7. Prioritize urgency – importance / 2712
Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix (Modified) UrgentNot Urgent Important Dealing with crisis Deadlines for assignments Urgent tasks Phone calls, that can't be delayed Daily class New study planning Achievements and results Routine study / work Relaxation Not Important Daily Ordinary phone calls General meetings Chatting with classmates Some mail, phone calls / 2713
8. The 80 – 20 (Pareto) Rule The first several items (usually 6) account for 80% of the problems / 2714
9. Reserve enough time to study Your full time job is studying! How much time do you need? / 2715
10. Find out your index learning style Active/reflective Sensing/intuitive Visual/verbal Sequential/global / 2716
11. Focus at one thing at a time / 2717
12. Create routines Have a plan that you apply each day e.g. –Reading before sleeping –Getting up at 7:00 –Repeating daily material right after school –Reading lecture notes before lectures / 2718
13. Work in time blocks Reserve specific time for each lecture Work in blocks of 1-2 hours Then give short break or change task / 2719
14. Be persistent from day to day Think of the turtle and rabbit tale “İyiliğin az da olsa devamlı olanı makbuldür!” / 2720
15. Be flexible Allow time of interruptions and distractions Save larger block of time for priorities Ask yourself questions and get back to your goal / 2721
16. Consider your biological time Find out which is the best time for you study Are you a morning person? A night owl? Late Afternoon? / 2722 Typical Energy Cycle 100% Best productive time O 8:00 Noon 17:00
17. Conquer procrastination (postponement) Learn to say no –You can’t do everything –Don’t undertake things you can’t complete Remain consistent to your goals Reward yourself / 2723
18. If you are tired of working relax by getting tired in something else! If you get tired of doing something, relax by doing something else (by getting tired in something else) “bir işte yorul, bir başka işte dinlen…” / 2724
19. Think and Plan Reserve time for planning and reflection Organize in a way that makes sense to you / 2725
Summary What are the principles of effective time management? How should one set goals during time management? Explain the SMART acronym Explain the “importance – urgency matrix” / 2726
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