Week 4 English II
English II- Week 4 1.Dubious - adj- possibly dishonest, untrustworthy or immoral 2.Egregious - adj- very bad or offensive 3.Exponent -n- a number indicating how many times the number will be multiplied by itself 4.Fallacy -n- a mistaken belief or idea; an error in logic 5.Juncture -n- a place where two or more things join 6.Maneuver -n- a movement or action that requires skill or dexterity 7.Mosaic - adj- a picture or design made with small pieces of colored material such as glass or tile 8.Mosque -n- a Muslim place of worship
English II- week 4 9.Mull - v- to think deeply 10.Parody - n- a movie, story or song that makes fun of another work in a funny way 11.Pandemonium -n-any place of chaos or torment 12.Pretext -n- a made up excuse used to hide the real reason 13.Scruple -n- morals or ethics that inhibit actions 14.Strategy - n- a plan of action 15.Toxin - n- a poison made by a living organism
Week 4 English II H
1.Accolade - n- a sign or expression of praise; public recognition 2.Aberration -n- a deviation or departure from what is normal 3.Apparent - adj- clearly seen or understood 4.Betrothal - n- engagement 5.Bigamy - n- having two spouses at the same time English II H- Week 4
6.Burnish - v- polish and make shiny 7.Chagrin - n- anger at being let down; humiliation due to disappointment 8.Compliant - adj- ready to conform or agree to do something 9.Curmudgeon -n- somebody who is irritable or stubborn 10.Dissolute - adj- indulging in a way that is harmful or immoral English II H- Week 4
11.Estuary - n- partially enclosed body of water with rivers connecting and access to the sea 12.Gorge - v- to eat greedily or to overeat; make a pig of oneself 13.Macabre -adj- horribly gruesome 14.Mead - n- made of fermented honey and water 15.Placid - adj- calm in nature or appearance English II H- Week 4
16.Plenary - adj- full or unlimited 17.Pyre - n- wood heaped for burning a dead body as a funeral rite 18.Resplendent -adj- having a dazzlingly impressive appearance 19.Squalid -adj- neglected and dirty, unsanitary and unpleasant 20.Woo - v- seek someone's love or affection in order to marry them English II H- Week 4