Complete your chart with the help of this Power Point.
1 st Amendment Citizens have the right to have/share any opinion Freedom of religion, press, speech and assembly and the right to petition the government
2 nd Amendment Citizens have the right to bear arms
3 rd Amendment Government cannot require you to house soldiers in your home during times of peace During war time, citizens may have to provide housing if Congress passes a law requiring it
4 th Amendment Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures Police officers are required to get a search warrant Probable Cause vs. Reasonable Suspicion
5 th Amendment Protects the rights of someone accused of a crime Double Jeopardy, Self-incrimination (“I plead the 5 th ”), Miranda Rights, Innocent until proven guilty, eminent domain
6 th Amendment Guarantees the right to a speedy trial by jury Gives people a jury of their peers and allows accused people to face the witnesses against them Guarantees these rights in a criminal trial
7 th Amendment Guarantees the right to a trial by jury in civil cases over $20 Guarantees all of the same rights as the 6 th Amendment, but in civil cases
8 th Amendment Protects accused persons from unfair treatment both before and after trial Protects from unreasonable bail and excessive or cruel and unusual punishment
9 th Amendment Covers all additional rights that are not directly stated in the Constitution Gives people all of these rights
10 th Amendment Declares that powers not given to the national government belong to the states and the people
Overall, how does the Bill of Rights protect us as individuals?
Overall, how does the Bill of Rights restrict the power of the government?