Aim: How did the Cold War effect Vietnam? VOCABULARY QUIZ ON COLD WAR MONDAY!!! Vietnam Conflict/War: Between the French and Vietnamese, as France was attempting to hold onto its colony. The second war was between the U.S. and the communist forces of N. Vietnam French Indochina: Area of southeast Asia controlled by France during Imperialism. Includes Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh: ( ) Vietnamese leader who is responsible for ousting first the French, then the United States from his country. Supported by both communist China and the Soviet Union, he guided Vietnam through decades long warfare to emerge as a communist nation. domino theory: The idea that countries bordering communist countries were in more danger of falling to communism unless the United States and other western nations worked to prevent it.
Aim: How did the Cold War effect Vietnam? VOCABULARY QUIZ ON COLD WAR__________!!! Vietnam Conflict/War: Between the ________and_____________, as France was attempting to hold onto its _______. The second war was between the U.S. and the __________ forces of __. Vietnam French Indochina: Area of southeast _____controlled by France during___________. Includes Cambodia, Laos, and__________. Ho Chi Minh: ( ) Vietnamese _________who is responsible for ousting first the________, then the United States from his country. Supported by both communist _______and the_________, he guided Vietnam through decades long ________to emerge as a __________nation. domino theory: The idea that countries bordering communist countries were in more ________of ________to ___________ unless the _________ ________and other western nations worked to ___________it.
Vietnam War
THE WAR IN VIETNAM Students will obtain a copy of the handout “The War in Vietnam” First, we will read the questions (Why?) Students will be called on to read Students will answer the questions (7minutes) We will discuss our findings
Read Document #3 Answer the question that follows
Causes of the Vietnam War 1.Vietnamese Communists rebels (Vietcong) led by Ho Chi Minh, successfully attacked the French forces that controlled their country 2.Vietnam gains its independence. Split into 2 countries (North, communist) (South) 3.The Vietcong attacks the south to try to make it communist. 4.How would the U.S. feel about this? Why?
Read Document #4 Answer the question that follows
Results of the War 1) After (8) years of fighting and 56,000 American deaths, the U.S. left the war. 2) Two (2) years later, N. Vietnam defeated S. Vietnam. 3) Vietnam was united into (1) communist country HOWEVER, THE DOMINO THEORY NEVER OCCURRED. Most Asian nations remained free of communism