The Vietnam War Years Chapter 29
When Was John F. Kennedy elected to office He was elected in 1960, His term began in m/topics/us- presidents/john-f- kennedy
Identify 3 Cold War crises President Kennedy faced? Which one do you think brought the U.S. closest to war The bay of pigs invasion. Castro takes control of Cuba and makes it a Communist country, allied with U.S.S.R.
Identify 3 Cold War crises President Kennedy faced? Which one do you think brought the U.S. closest to war East Berlin was controlled by the USSR, West Berlin was controlled by the USA. People in East Berlin were leaving because they did not want to live in Communist Germany. East Berlin built the wall to stop them from leaving.
The Berlin Wall opics/cold-war/berlin- wall opics/us- presidents/john-f- kennedy/videos/kennedy -responds-to-berlin-wall
Identify 3 Cold War crises President Kennedy faced? Which one do you think brought the U.S. closest to war The Cuban Missile Crisis. Cuban leader Fidel Castro had given permission for the Soviet Union to bring Nuclear weapons to Cuba. The US heard of this and formed a blockade to prevent the USSR from bringing more. This was the closest we would come to war with Cuba.
The Cuban Missile Crisis s-presidents/john-f- kennedy/videos/cuban-missile- crisis s-presidents/john-f- kennedy/videos/cuban-missile- crisis The Cuban Missile Crisis would be the closest to a Nuclear War that the US and USSR ever came.
Describe How the Domino Theory Played a Role in Vietnam The US believed that if one Country fell to communism that the other countries in that area would become communist as well. “Like dominos knocking over the next one”
What Authority did the Tonkin Gulf Resolution give President Johnson m/socialstudies/ushistory /vietnamwar/ opics/vietnam- war/vietnam-war- history/videos/lbj-gulf- of-tonkin- incident?m=528e394da9 3ae&s=undefined&f=1&f ree=false The authority to take any measure against any armed attackers around the world, this included going to war.
Tonkin Gulf Resolution Supportersof WarAgainst War
What Was Operation Rolling Thunder? Why was the Ho Chi Minh Trail a Target? Rolling Thunder was a series of airstrikes on war industries in North Vietnam. The trail was a target because it was a supply route for the communists.
Operation Rolling Thunder offensive/videos/vietnam?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefi ned&f=1&free=false offensive/videos/vietnam-war- tactics?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=fals e offensive/videos/on- patrol?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=false
What was the Tet Offensive? The Tet Offensive was a coordinated attack on US held positions all over South Vietnam. The result was that many Americans wanted the war over and the troops home, they felt it was a huge mistake. They believed that we we were losing.
The Tet Offensive war-history/videos/tet-offensive-surprises-americans war-history/videos/the-tet- offensive?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=f alse
What Groups Opposed the Vietnam War? The DOVES- a symbol of peace, represented a group of people within the Government that did not want war. Hippies/ Students protestors slogan was “Make Love, Not War”
Opposition of The Vietnam War state/videos/nixon-on-kent-state- tragedy?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=fal se
How Did the War in Vietnam end for the U.S.? What Happened in Asia after the U.S. withdrew troops? The US signed a cease fire treaty, the Paris Peace Accord. Soon after the U.S. withdrew North Vietnam took over South Vietnam and other small countries in the area
The Fall of Saigon opics/vietnam-war/kent- state/videos/after-the- fall-of- saigon?m=528e394da93 ae&s=undefined&f=1&fre e=false
How Were Soldiers Returning from Vietnam treated? The Soldiers were treated well. Peopl that had wanted peace were angry with the soldiers because they had been involved in the fighting. People that had wanted the US to fight were upset because the US had given up.